Recent content by vonspillar

  1. V

    Freshly New Grower Needs Lights

    Hey all, I've got an area of 4x4x8 that I'll fit about 4 plants into. What are my best options with a budget of 5-600$? Thanks everyone. Need info!
  2. V

    Hey everyone, BUDGET LIGHTS??

    Ive been looking for a while and this Bava company keeps coming up for the cheapest stuff. is this any good?; alibaba com /product-detail/HLG-V2-Quantum-Board-samsung-lm561c_50041304502.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normalList.31.733d46c9VSYkwK&s=p If someone could find me...
  3. V

    New Grower. what lights

    With the 2 135w qb, are you only growing 1 plant? And if I got my lights off of alibaba would I be getting the same diodes/LED boards as I would with those more official websites? On a tight budget but quality is key for me.
  4. V

    New Grower. what lights

    Timber grow lights compared to growerslights com or (Alibaba):alibaba com/product-detail/Meijiu-hot-selling-quantum-board-300w_60719338793.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normalList.22.34cd52f4v6KXmx Are they the same? Same results in grow?
  5. V

    New Grower. what lights

    Any reason? I've read QB can blow Cmh and HPs in 2018. My area is a 4x4. If Cmh will deliver better than a QB is terms of quality I go with it.
  6. V

    New Grower. what lights

    Quantum board vs HPS. what gives the Dencest, most potent weed in 2018. Yield can suffer for quality. Thanks.