Recent content by volume 1

  1. V

    i am worried about my buds drying

    ok cool, i'll try that
  2. V

    i am worried about my buds drying

    oh yeah and btw i live in Michigan just in case you were wondering what the weather is like
  3. V

    i am worried about my buds drying

    so i just harvested the other day and my buds are drying out in my shed in shoe boxes, but the thing i am worried about is that it is cold and rainy outside and its gonna be for a few days so i am worried they might not dry right or get moldy or something. the shed is nice and sealed so its not...
  4. V

    QWISO hash???

    thanks for all the feed back, and i have 1 more question, does the trim have to be completely dry or can i make it right when im done trimming?
  5. V

    QWISO hash???

    1 last question, the trichombs actually go through the coffee filter?? it seems like they wouldnt
  6. V

    QWISO hash???

    dont you need to put it in a jar and shake it?
  7. V

    QWISO hash???

    those bags are fuckin expensive, im only going to be doing this once, any cheap alternatives, or similar bags i can get at like walmart??
  8. V

    QWISO hash???

    Thank you sooo much, ily, but a few questions, can i find those mesh bags in any stores, and how many do i need and what micron so i can get the most possibel out of all my trim????
  9. V

    QWISO hash???

    When i harvest in a few weeks i want to make hash and it will be my first time, and i need an easy way with limited resources but still makes good shit and i saw this QWISO way and was wondering if its any good, and wouldnt the alcohol contaminate the trichombs or something, idk, any suggestions...
  10. V

    Bad Weather Going to force my plants to stop flowering?

    Im going through the same thing, a cold front and cloudy weather, but they will be fine as long as it doesnt get too cold like below 40 and start frosting a bunch, oyu just need to worry about it frosting and too much moisture getting in the buds it could cause mold. and yeah cold weather can...
  11. V

    Humboldt: Bloom

    I just got smoe stuff called Bloom by Humboldt Nutrients, is it any good? And can it be used in soil, and how much should i use for a five foot, flowering plant thats in the ground?
  12. V

    Cut off main fan leaves??

    sounds EXACTLY like my dad!
  13. V

    Cut off main fan leaves??

    Im growing outdoors and she has direct sunlight all day, i didnt cut off all of them, just the main big ones that meet at the bottom of each bud stalk, but i didnt cut any leaves off of the bud stalks, and im not going to.
  14. V

    Cut off main fan leaves??

    Well shit, i already did it, my dad told me it was a good idea, i hope it dosent fuck my baby up
  15. V

    Cut off main fan leaves??

    Now that my plant is flowering should i cut off the main fan leaves, the big ones at the bottom of each bud stalk? i heard it is good so the buds can get more sunlight.