Recent content by vital101

  1. vital101

    Da Buddha Vaporizer - Review

    I know this ones been dead for a while but i'm curious if you can share how you feel about this now that you've had a chance to use for a good bit?
  2. vital101

    What's your Age?

    howdy. Thirty. First grow about a month from harvest time.
  3. vital101

    how long?

    Don't know much about LST but I am guessing things would still work the same if the assumption is that alternating nodes is a genetic trigger. If the assumption about growth is correct and LST doesn't change node growth on the main stem then it should work just about the same.
  4. vital101

    how long?

    Nodes are where the branches of the plants grow out. Most nodes will grow evenly to both sides of the plant but as the plant grows bigger the nodes will begin to alternate so that growth is not even but alternating. I used this as an indicator to start flowering and was able to sex and see...
  5. vital101

    which tent should I buy

    Completely agree. How about only bid for things you intend to buy? World works better for all that way. Suggestion: Try searching for jbidwatcher if you want an easy application for bidding/watching without "watching'/sniping auctions. At least with a program like that you can do your research...
  6. vital101

    how long?

    Take it for what it's worth as I'm only in the middle of my first grow and ready to harvest in the next few weeks With the plant unknown (bagseed) you should still be able to read your plan for signs it is ready and make the right move. For Vegyou want to keep on 18/6 light cycle untill the...
  7. vital101

    Finally got a bag of some CouchLock

    Have to reply to this one.... You can find it on Netflix and it'sone of the movies you can stream. Highly recommended. Mix of standup and some funny skits. Have watched this many times while toking.
  8. vital101

    Dr.Chronic seeds Not accepting credit cards?

    Sounds like others have had bad experiences so I'm adding my 2 cents. I ordered from Dr Chronic using a debit card in late March and recieved the seeds to Eastern US in 5 business days. Don't want to downplay others experiences but I consider Dr. Chronic stellar.
  9. vital101

    Smoking Weed A SIN?

    right on. Plus rep.
  10. vital101

    MED MJ Is Coming On The Florida Ballot With Your help!!

    Thanks. Am adding my name to the voices.
  11. vital101

    favorite beer?

    Dog Fish Head - 90 Minute IPA