Recent content by viralplague

  1. viralplague

    Controlling Temps during Transitional Seasons with Large Temp Fluctuations

    im not sure if any messages ive sent have gone through but let me know if you need pictures for instructions on what to do
  2. viralplague

    What's Wrong with My Clones? First Time Grower. Please Help! Pics Attached

    i have to agree with lamb of god here, they weren't hardened off and they're near death, put them on a window sill and baby them for a week and they might make it, i doubt its a nutrient deficiency with new soil at least it wouldnt be to the point where they would look like that, plus if you...
  3. viralplague

    Controlling Temps during Transitional Seasons with Large Temp Fluctuations

    also the only way you would cool down the air that would get recycled from the attic would be again to bring in cool air and exhaust hot air in there
  4. viralplague

    Controlling Temps during Transitional Seasons with Large Temp Fluctuations

    if you are taking in air from your attic dont do that, its just going to build up heat, bring in air from the OUTSIDE it will make things much cooler
  5. viralplague

    Controlling Temps during Transitional Seasons with Large Temp Fluctuations

    simply switch your cycles to run later at night, if you have to go in there during the day make a light proof barrier at the entrance so you can go in during the day to do maintenance with a green light so you don't disturb the photo period, other than that there arent really too many ways to...
  6. viralplague

    Lights On and Off Hourly Everyday till Harvest

    definitely a bad idea, it would most likely cause your plants to herm, unless you have some strain that is bred for that, but i have not heard of any. though this may also not put the plant into flowering but it will most definitely stress the plants
  7. viralplague

    of course man

    of course man
  8. viralplague

    would it be killing my plants?

    should i start budding them inside?
  9. viralplague

    would it be killing my plants?

    yup it will be protected from the rain, the frost would be my main concern, but the area im in shouldnt be below freezing for more than a week at a time
  10. viralplague

    would it be killing my plants?

    To put them outdoors right now? Even if i put blankets on them every night? If its possible but not advisable what steps can i take to achieve a grow outside right now from plants that i have, i have a home made green house that i will be upgrading, and it is off the ground. i live in northern...
  11. viralplague

    Seed help for outdoor grow in ontario

    to hide from air and ground grow in the trees
  12. viralplague

    Help! Please my girls are dying in my arms!!!!!!!!

    well let me know how it turns out man
  13. viralplague

    hey man you can post pictures by selecting manage attachments then you go to add files, select...

    hey man you can post pictures by selecting manage attachments then you go to add files, select files then your about done once you upload what you want and insert in line whatever
  14. viralplague

    Help! Please my girls are dying in my arms!!!!!!!!

    i think maybe if you took them out of the medium and flushed the roots and soaked them in just water for about a day you might be able to salvage one or two
  15. viralplague

    mystery strain?

    shit im sure theres some expert grower out there, i mean come on ive not once seen leaves like this, it barely even looks like marijuana lol