Recent content by ummbaby

  1. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    then you've obviously been looking at CFLS and HPS cause they are sooooooo much cheaper right????? ballasts, replacement bulbs, ENERGY!?, heavy duty extension cords, fans, common guy have you even looked around on your own yet? its gonna be a tough first grow to put it gently, that is if you...
  2. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    it would work.. still need a light above tho.. are you growin soil or hyrdO?
  3. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    from the same guy that says leds straight suck... wow.
  4. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips 50-500 bucks and up. you dont need the expensive ones tho too much light.
  5. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    oh do they? you are shmartier then i thought you were shmartie. do your research.. LEDS produce ZERO heat.
  6. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    you could destress. that might work. but still LEDS.
  7. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    where'd you shmarties go? went to measure what 2 feet looks like?
  8. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    haha! you know sharmties :) guy's space is 2ft tall... wait one sec lemme make that bigger for you so you can see.. TWO FEET. thats like one.. and then another one. right? make it happen i'd love to see this plant at harvest time.
  9. ummbaby

    NEED HELP PLEASE! very small grow room need tips

    are you serious my broseph? i dont even know where to start? what are you growing basil??? doode. that space is not big enough to grow a pot plant in. PERIOD. BUT if you just wanna waste your time im more than willing to help with ideas. line that shit with reflective material get it online...
  10. ummbaby

    1st grow seedling concern

    durr week one of flowering.
  11. ummbaby

    1st grow seedling concern

    you have a lot of plants mate. flushing might be exhaustive you only added nutes once and you didnt do the full recommended amount right? i know alot of people say they are very fragile as seedlings, but they are actually pretty resilient mofos. BTW why did you use big bloom on your little week...
  12. ummbaby

    young wheaties plant TIPS YELLOWING

    temps no idea not monitoring. pretty avg i'd have to say so in the low 70's high 60's the light is not causing this i have LEDS. just watered it tonight so we'll see how pretty and strong she grows. i also have concern about these teeny tiny little flies flying around.. should i worry bout...
  13. ummbaby

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    yeah man thats a male plant for sure those are not b-e-a-utiful femal buds to smoke but if your not picky let it grow and you can still smoke it... it hurts too much to cut down fruit of labor does it not? make sure you dont polenate other plants if you have... put it outside if you can? good...
  14. ummbaby

    young wheaties plant TIPS YELLOWING

    haha young sillys im just yoking! you know pulling chains... here is real update with pics. listen im mad! and happy at the same time its growing really well in its current conditions vertical growth is at min while horz growth is crazy. haven't watered it in a few days no nutes ever other than...
  15. ummbaby

    titties yeah! wooooo :)))

    titties yeah! wooooo :)))