Recent content by UberSmoker

  1. UberSmoker

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    Cool, I was just clarifying for someone else who posted asking you how many lumens it outputted. I agree LED is very good for VEG though I wouldn't say they are better than Metal Halide but maybe as good as fluoro and not great for flowering as of yet, but I'm confident they will be superior...
  2. UberSmoker

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    P.S LED's don't put out high lumens as with other bulbs however the light they do produce is in the right spectrum for the plants as a lot of light in other bulbs gets wasted as the plant doesn't utilize green and yellow light
  3. UberSmoker

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    After the initial growth spurt that happens when you go into flower the plant will change its priorities from height to bud growth, it may even seem to stop for a while but it will pick up in time and the last few weeks see the most bud development.
  4. UberSmoker

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    One of the problems of LED's is that they do not penetrate the canopy very well, same with CFL's to a lesser extent. You can LST the plant or use various other techniques to maximize the effectiveness and coverage
  5. UberSmoker

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    As you are NO WHERE close to harvest I can't say ABOUT how long it will take as it depends on the factors i mentioned, but I have used LED and CFL's to grow and both take considerably longer to produce bud than MH and HPS. Once bud growth slows down after the initial flowering growth spurt and...
  6. UberSmoker

    Flushing necessary?

    If you don't then the plant doesn't consume the nutrients stored in the leaves and thus the harvested bud will taste like cut grass and be harsh to smoke, not to mention to potential hazards of smoking chlorophyll and nutrients. The plant doesn't consume the Molasses it just aids the...
  7. UberSmoker

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    Flowering time can vary depending on other factors such as light cycle, nutrients, temperature, PH etc and also the amount of light available to the plant. Don't harvest based on red hairs as this isn't really a good indicator. Get a microscope or magnifying glass and just keep an eye on the...
  8. UberSmoker

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    No problem :lol: it's good to be back mate. Just replaced the mylar in the rig as it got damaged in transport. I also have to add an intake fan soon, as the new place is a lot warmer than where I was living before, and temps are frequently around 85F at the moment when the CFL is on. I'm...
  9. UberSmoker

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    Looking awesome V12, great job!
  10. UberSmoker

    First Grow; LED (Veg) CFL (Flower) Auto AK47

    Hey all. Some of you may be wondering what happened to this thread, seeing as I haven't posted anything for a while. Things got a bit hectic and I had to move to a new place which does not have an internet connection at present. The AK was never really harvested properly because I had very...
  11. UberSmoker

    My LED fluoro grow #1

    The human eye cannot see IR. Keep up the good work.
  12. UberSmoker

    My LED fluoro grow #1

    STAY AWAY FROM UVB! Use these bulbs carefully, do not expose yourself to the bulb when in use as UV can cause skin cancer. Also you must remove any males as soon as you find them unless you want to risk pollenating your females.
  13. UberSmoker

    My LED fluoro grow #1

    Well done for pushing the boundaries instead of just following the standard MH/HPS set-up. I have used an LED bulb before and would do again. For Vegging it works surprisingly well, for flowering not so much. One advantage is the low heat emmission meaning it can be placed closer to the plant...
  14. UberSmoker

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    Wow really picking up since I last checked in, keep up the good work man.
  15. UberSmoker

    PC Grower's Sub-Thread Under Indoors

    It certainly makes sense, the RIU PC Gang is founded to help people, PC bashing idiots are not welcome. Having more recognition would also serve to help validate our form of growing to the naive or misinformed mainstream growers. PC growing requires as much, if not more, skill than a standard op...