Recent content by twistedentities

  1. twistedentities

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    Hey Lou ser, you're a sad, pathetic person. It's filth like you that helped me vote Trump. Too bad you couldn't change the election results like you changed my comment. Trumps my president and yours for 8 years
  2. twistedentities

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    You're right. Sorry to compare you to the others. You have more common sense than most here. Don't hold your breathe on impeachment though. To gonna happen. The party of hate and racism lost to Trump. He's here till 2024
  3. twistedentities

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    You guys are so caught up in this fantasy world created by pelosi, waters and all the other degenerate wackos......damn, I just sharted again
  4. twistedentities

    Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

    These threads make me laugh so hard I sometimes shart. Impeach? Lmfao. The left is effing lost in so many ways. Trump is gonna win again in the next election. The more the left cries all over their coloring books the stronger the right becomes. The morons coming out of our universities of anti...
  5. twistedentities

    5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle

    Questions What's more important Taking care of our veterans or illegal immigrants? Taking care of American citizens or illegals first? Dems choose illegals. Until we can prosper from the inside we haven't right to cater to the outside. It's obvious the dems don't give a shit about our service...
  6. twistedentities

    5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle

    And there you show your intelligence. Face fact wth insult. Common core student?
  7. twistedentities

    5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle

    Yeah it's easy when half of it is illegals. And even with that, you didn't even win by 1%. You've been Trumped
  8. twistedentities

    'The Irony Is Delicious..'

    Forward to 1 minute. At least ovomit has a country to return too lmao
  9. twistedentities

    'The Irony Is Delicious..'

    Can't wait to hear what she and ovomit have to say in their speeches
  10. twistedentities

    Donald Trump

    I agree that all sides have been duped. I'm far from religiously brainwashed. Faith is far different from religion. My faith tought me to care about others, that all life is precious. To help those in need. And it taught me how to identify what good and what's evil. I didn't find that faith from...
  11. twistedentities

    Twisteds Shed

    Thanks for the info. The damp rid dropped the th down to 60. The one I'm getting will be hooked to solar as is the ac unit. I'll have to figure out a heat issue if it arrives. Temps in the shed are 71-75 so I've got a little wiggle room
  12. twistedentities

    Donald Trump

    Typical sheeple response. Get educated on what's really going on. Most Americans are already owned by other countries. This isn't about politics anymore. It's about doing what's right for our children and future generations
  13. twistedentities

    Donald Trump

    my faith has nothing to do with my political choices. I'm not a fan of trump either. I just thought there was more common sense and freed minds here. I don't need to justify how I feel.
  14. twistedentities

    Donald Trump

    You sheeple that stand for Hillary are part of brainwashed and indoctrinated America. Your comments and beliefs show that your souls are lost to an evil that seeks the destruction of this country. Enjoy you short victories. Eternity is forever. Call me what you want, say what you will. There is...
  15. twistedentities

    Twisteds Shed

    Humidity in the shed hit 85 this morning. I ordered a dehumidifier but won't have it till the 11th. Gonna see what 6 cans of damp rid do to buy me some time.