Recent content by tripmix

  1. tripmix

    My ecosystem

    I didn't know were to put this so I ended up here in "General", please move if you know where it would be better placed. It's been a while since I've grown anything so I haven't been around here for a while either. But now I've started this new project I wanted to share with you guys. (I'll get...
  2. tripmix

    Sorry I just abandond you

    I got this mail I'm sure it's automated but I still think it was kinda sweet. I made some video of my harvest that I was planning to up for you guys but you know,,, then I got bongsmilie Here is a screenshot of my video, anyone know a good place to upload it? (not youtube)
  3. tripmix

    48 hours of dark?

    I was wondering about this too? If it really has an effect or if its just a "weed legend"? I heard 24-36h though...
  4. tripmix

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Hi, I was wondering where you learned to build something like that? Would be really cool to make something like this but I wouldn't know were to start. So do you know of any good books or links that explain some details and setup ideas and stuff? Forgive me for sounding stupid but from what I...
  5. tripmix

    Light and stuff?

    I wont risk it then, thanks again.
  6. tripmix

    Light and stuff?

    OK, thanks a lot. I'll just trow away the desk lamp and mirror and see if I can find some big white paper instead, think I have something like that around somewhere. I heard something about using a green light bulb if I want to work while they are inn the dark, is that "safe"? And is it only...
  7. tripmix

    24/7 light on veg stage

    Where I live there are light outside 24/7 during the summer, and there is plenty of plants and trees and stuff outside. So even if I'm not a biologist I'll have to say that you are wrong. 24/7 light do occur in nature, maybe the plants here are different somehow but your still wrong :mrgreen:
  8. tripmix

    Light and stuff?

    My plant have started to get very bushy and I was wondering if it would help any if I put a regular desk lamp, you know the flat long ones one whit the adjustable arm thing, very close shining in to the plant from the side? I also wonder what a mirror would do? I read I should not use a mirror...
  9. tripmix

    Yellow tips on new growth

    The pics are bad and got really yellow so you can't see it that well, but it's worse than it looks here. First pic is my best one, the other is my weakest one.
  10. tripmix

    Yellow tips on new growth

    I said I was a noob grower not a noob online, I always read the faq. And it's been 2 days since the first yellowing appeared. Edit: OK, sorry for being bitchy, I just hate that question.
  11. tripmix

    Yellow tips on new growth

    Hi, my plants seem to be having a problem. The tips on all new growth is yellow. All Iv done is move them out of the closet I had them in and in to a shower, it's the same room. I'll get you some pics but they get all messed up with the lights on and not very good whit the lights off, I only...
  12. tripmix

    First ever grow, grow journal.

    Awesome, it's very hard to see how big they are on the pics so the videos is very helpful for a noob like me. I tried to top off two of mine yesterday and it seems to have had no ill effect, in fact already today I could see the start of new branches. I read it would make it more bushy and make...
  13. tripmix

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    What we need is a thc producing giant redwood that buds every year, you could pass it down trough generations. Like this here is my great great great +++++grandfathers 800 year old cannabis tree. It started spreading and it's weed like genes have made it take over the entire forest and killed...
  14. tripmix

    getting seeds/bud across the ocean

    Correct me if I'm wrong but can't you get life in prison in the US to? Something about 3 strikes? Here all I'll ever get is a fine. Feels like I'm paying a bill to keep the cops off my back :P But like the other guy said, just use the mail.
  15. tripmix

    First ever grow, grow journal.

    I upped a few more pics, I'm sure there are a few you'll find very interesting :D Trust me, have a look.