Recent content by Triple Beam

  1. Triple Beam

    misters for an aeroponics unit

    Check out the posts by Earl and Filthy Fletch. They are masters at aero. The proof is in the quality of grows that are posted. I did my homework and use the red ones used in the ez clone system, and the green ones shown by Earl with no problems so far.
  2. Triple Beam

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    Very interesting! Excellent idea!! Subscribed.
  3. Triple Beam

    The Hempy Collective

    Thought I'd subscribe to the thread. Sounds interesting. Currently using aero. Have'nt had time to read the whole thread yet.
  4. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Did a search on the internet for coco plugs. Came up with zero. Do you have a manufacter name or distributor. Thanks.
  5. Triple Beam

    HIGHGRADE SEEDS... avoid

    Ordered from them several times. Nine different strains. Service has been great! Reasonable prices. Killer smoke. Never had a problem to date. Recieved my orders in about six working days. Packaging has always been satisfactory. Live in NE US.
  6. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Hey Earl, where do you get your coco coir plugs? Tried rockwool and did'nt care for the results and hassel. Thanks for all the info.
  7. Triple Beam

    If your only choice for seed delivery is your personal address, do you do it?

    I live in the NE US and if you get caught with seeds you're going to a jail house wedding. I had the first two attemps seized by customs in Chicago. I used a fake name an a good address, bad move. Talked to some good people at Hempdepot and Highgrade Seeds, they told me about what I did wrong...
  8. Triple Beam

    If your only choice for seed delivery is your personal address, do you do it?

    I am presently going through the same dilemma. I've already had two orders seized by customs. Getting a little costly. I live in the US and decided to stick closer to home, so I contacted two Canadian Banks and passed on my frustrations to them. They were very helpful and have given me some...
  9. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Sorry Hydro, It did piss me off. I just came off a long hard week and my scottish temper came out.This is the second forum I've ever posted on, the other is for fishing. Don't like big brother checking me out. Not paranoid but stating a fact. All internet chatter in basically routed through...
  10. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Actually Earl asked to see them and that was the only photos I had. I sell nothing. I keep a very low profile. I believe in giving thanks to those that help me get the job done, if I can help others along the way the better. Alot of people on this site really jump to conclusions. Signs of the...
  11. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    LOL, No Patents. It kind of snowballed when I started to build an aero unit. I have two grow areas, one small (6'x6'x6') converted ice shanty, and a spare room. I built Fletchs' post design first w/6 plt cap, then smaller unit to have another crop started. What about clones? Thus, the very small...
  12. Triple Beam

    HIGHGRADE SEEDS... avoid

    I'm a stranger to this web site, but not a stranger to the world. You sir, are a moron! I have been a partaker of this sacred herb since the woodstock era, been around the world, dealt with the public for going on 40 years, and you always have one fly in the ointment. You sir are it! State your...
  13. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Football Hall Of Fame my man. I plan on trying different strains just for the fun of it. Happened onto this web site a few months ago and growing my own has always a dream of mine so I said what the hell, go for it. I am a novices' novice right now, but everyone had to start somewhere. This site...
  14. Triple Beam

    Querkle Breeding Thread

    Hey Sub, Been following your threads as well. Thanks for a great job! Waiting on some Querkle from the depot now. Hope to post a first grow with aero via space shuttle after the grow is finished. Hope I don't f it up. Peace Brother
  15. Triple Beam

    Aeroponic Space Shuttle

    Damn Earl, sittin' here in amazement! I was in Korat, Thailand in the early 70's. Been looking for that same luv'in feeling ever since. Thai-Pink Floyd are joined at the hip. Recently built your design (a few mods) and fletch's designs to try them out. The ones that I like, I'll keep, the others...