Recent content by tommygee

  1. T

    I'm so so so sorry..

    There is no need use any special soil when you are just starting them, plain old indoor potting soil is fine, or even dirt from your backyard if it is properly mixed and watered. If it's your first grow, dont waste money on fancy soils, just regular outdoor potting soil is fine
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    Clones in Rockwool Cubes heading outdoors

    3 inch diameter pot? you can probably put them outside in direct sunlight for 3-5 hours a day(peak sunlight preferred) or in an open window with sunlight for a bit longer (4-6 hrs) direct sunlight is way better for them than artificial light. As long as wind or animals aren't damaging them the...
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    Guerrilla Guide

    you can grow just about any strain, you should keep the finishing time in mind because you are starting later in the season!
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    Alberta Grow

    i live in southern ontario, and where im from you should start indoor guys around the beginning of april and move them out anytime after may 5th or so. i would assume that you're farther north than i am, so start your seeds indoors approx 30 days before they are going to go outside. It's safe to...