Recent content by TMB420

  1. TMB420

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    i had a little run in with the police last year , backyard job. should be an awesome summer this year tho.
  2. TMB420

    cloned my plants after they flowerd

    you gotta pull the flowers off completely , when back in veg the old flowers will decay, maybe causing rot spots on the stem , happened to me. Think uve increased your chance of the plant being a hermie by taking clones in flowering also.
  3. TMB420

    Drug Etiquette!!!

    How bout if u block the cone , stoke it or atleast tell the next person.
  4. TMB420

    prob already asked .. but search doesn't work for me

    u can use google to search rollitup, just add "rollitup" into ur search broo
  5. TMB420

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    is there such thing as too much light ? if ur light is too close without it being to hot , can this cause chlorosis of the leaves , like bleaching?
  6. TMB420

    Stupid gnats!

    use a natural pyrethrum spray , its an extract from a daisy i think. some people dilute it with water if u scared of hurting ur plants
  7. TMB420

    9 cubic feet?

    I think she will find out soon enough if u start growing in ur room. she may already know, gotta give ya mum a little credit. unless u want her to find out i would wait til ur outdoor season starts or until u move out. most first time growers fuck their first plants anyway.
  8. TMB420

    9 cubic feet?

    say to her " im going to smoke it whether i grow it or not, this way i have control of what chemicals go in it and i dont see all my money going to a drug dealer"
  9. TMB420

    9 cubic feet?

    i agree , unless ur mum is aware i wouldnt bother. stealth jobs yeild little not worth the risk, burn down the house and ur mum can live in a caravan.
  10. TMB420

    9 cubic feet?

    yea it can be done i guess , check out some peoples cabinet grows. your mum is gunna bust u tho.
  11. TMB420

    9 cubic feet?

    he said cubic feet
  12. TMB420

    My first grow i need all the help i can get!!
  13. TMB420


    ive used it once , plants loved it but it brought vinegar flies wit it. not sure what u call them in US. not harmfull to the plants but they love to eat shit. I think they helped break the manure down if anything. i think manure=bugs
  14. TMB420

    Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying

    looks like some type of nutrient issue , im not experienced enough to diagnose it. someone with more wisdom will help u out soon man. meanwhile check ur ph and tell us what nutes your using.
  15. TMB420


    just dont use raw manure inside , cause it stinks like shit...