Recent content by thump easy

  1. thump easy

    Gage Green Group Seeds?

    Lolz thsts funny i take no sides im a lone rider any way but i must of missed out on the scoop
  2. thump easy

    Gage Green Group Seeds?

    Lolz why are they pieces of shit?
  3. thump easy


    But not shure its real
  4. thump easy


    Also was thinking of banging a few out just in case
  5. thump easy


    I was waiting for it to get me.. I Did not yet build bunker and plants and animal stock.. Cought with my pants down.. So i agreed if i got it and tempted to go into the light?? I was shooting for the light.. I need to know are we alone...?? And what is going on in the light?? And i would loose...
  6. thump easy

    Rice water will explode growth!!!

    I could see rice water fermenting and breaking soil down mabee i never heard of it but milk fermenting i have.. Youtube it.. Rice is organic it probley had traces of minurals and vitamins..
  7. thump easy

    Please help is it heat stress or what?!

    They look good to me
  8. thump easy

    Any glass blowers here

    I always wanted to blow scientific glass
  9. thump easy


    Im working on the left thats me
  10. thump easy

    What Are You Listening To?

  11. thump easy

    Trump Flu - Who's To Blame?

    This guy to blame
  12. thump easy

    What did you accomplish today?

  13. thump easy

    Does anyone know what police are putting in bho or c02 extracts like crued oil?? So it wont fraction off??

    Budy calls tells me cops put water substance in his crude he had no chemistry anything but crued?? He sead the poured it in the crude?? The tried to hit their fractions but nothing? It smelled like rotten eggs?? They did hit some fractions and a clay like substance came out very little?? Im...
  14. thump easy

    What did you accomplish today?

  15. thump easy

    What did you accomplish today?

    2 weeks ago