Recent content by TheRealCJJ

  1. T

    Trichome Sunflower

    dude that looks ominous lol
  2. T

    Question about Flowering Spectrum?

    From what ive read blue light i.e more MH is more useful for strengthening the plan and a red spectrum is more useful for flowering the plants. Personally ide wait on the HID to flower to get the most out of the plants
  3. T

    First grow strategy!

    Alright im trying to make optimal use of my space and ive seen many different uses of similar spaces however I havnt seen anything anywhere saying hey for best results use this kind of setup. Heres what im workin with and what I was thinkin. Ive got 3 foot 11 inches wide, 2 foot 2 inches deep...
  4. T

    Potential Cooling issue?

    Found a cheap 4" Bilge blower thanks
  5. T

    Potential Cooling issue?

    Are there any other suggestions out there?
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    UFC 114 Live Link

    Im not 100% sure if this is aloud or not but im gonna assume it is for now if not just delete my post but heres a live link you need h264 compatible player i.e winamp with h264 plugin mms mms:// enjoy guys
  7. T

    Potential Cooling issue?

    The cheapest ive found one of these fans is 79$ which is quite expensive im lookin for something a little more cost effective
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    Potential Cooling issue?

    Ive got a 400w hps and the area im gonna use to grow is 3 foot 11 inches wide, 2 foot 2 inches deep and 5 foot 11 inches high. However above the 6 foot area is a shelf that has about another foot and a half of space. In irc it was suggested heat may be my largest issue. I was hoping to have 2...