Recent content by thecrunch

  1. thecrunch

    Lemon Garlic OG

    Hey mate, looking real good! This strain is pretty damn stable, I see alot of similiarities in our plants. my three are doing well, 3 weeks of 12/12 today, one is already triching out fan leaves and they're big'uns, a nice green and I've had no problems thus far. How tall is this one? I'll...
  2. thecrunch

    Lemon Garlic OG

    Shes reaching out for sure, looking good man! I've searched for a like function but I guess my post count wont allow it.
  3. thecrunch

    Lemon Garlic OG

    How we looking bro? great structure to her. I have three of these in veg and this thread bookmarked. All the best