Recent content by ThatCandela

  1. T

    advice: leaving for 2 weeks

    whats up guys, so i have everything for my new grow finally and its all ready to go. I was looking through my calendar to make sure that I can be here for most of the time but it looks like toward the end of december that i'll be gone for 2 weeks and won't have anyone else near that can help...
  2. T

    22 days flowering (pics & questions)

    damn thats some bad ass bud ! great grow
  3. T

    Homebox XS setup

    and you think that 1 inline and 1 exhaust would be good enough?
  4. T

    Homebox XS setup

    well the exhaust would be an exhaust hooked up to a carbon filter right? otherwise, where else would i put the carbon filter??
  5. T

    Homebox XS setup

    damn i should look into this. if i made a DIY carbon filter by Zen you think that would be enough? only growin 2
  6. T

    Activated carbon filter fan and homebox help needed

    here's a grow box im working on, its a design for now
  7. T

    Question about Fan(s)?

    well i wasn't going to have fans direclty exhaust out since its an apartment.. I was going to have all the fans attached to my grow box .. on the bottom left have a small cut out for the inline and at the very top have 2 small squares to fit 2 exhaust fans which would probably be hooked up to a...
  8. T

    Question about Fan(s)?

    so I would make 2 inline fans at the bottom of my grow box and at the very top have my exhaust fan hooked up to a carbon filter? How do these look, Buy Suncourt -- Inductor In-Line Duct Fan (DB206P) | Suncourt DB206P .. (just for example).. I can make 3 ducts with 3 PVC bends to keep the light...
  9. T

    Question about Fan(s)?

    Yes those are in Feet. I will be using a 250 watt mh/hps config (vege/flower).. for 2 plants in those dimensions of the box.. 4" inline fan is good enough? What does that mean how much would it approximately run me.. (how many cfms) Also how about the exhaust??
  10. T

    First Grow- Pics, Something wrong... help!!!

    do you use nutes?
  11. T


    sometimes they even start into vegging.. but the big detectable smell comes when flowering..
  12. T

    My seeds have finally hatched ...

    if its hydro u want it phed at around 5.5-5.8.. 18/6 is vege state.. so you don't 'switch' until your ready to flower to 12/12.. if you were talking about being 24/7 then going 18/6.. thats up to you but when your ready to flower you switch to 12/12..
  13. T

    Question about Fan(s)?

    Gonna have a grow box about 1 x 2.5 x 7, i was wondering what kind of a fan would i need to install for exhaust and for air coming.. and how cheap can i get it.. and where
  14. T

    My seeds have finally hatched ...

    is this for a hydro or soil? i'm asking because if your sticking it into hydro u want your ph to be lower whereas in soil a little higher.. that way your seed wont get shocked
  15. T

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    wow simply put. I am having a grow box which is about 2.5' x 1.5' x 7', you think 1 will be enough? What kind of fan do you use that is hooked up to this?/