Recent content by texaz0utlaw420

  1. texaz0utlaw420

    Can she be saved

    Dam bro I just did the same exact shit an hour ago. But I'm 4 weeks into flowering, shit happens...
  2. texaz0utlaw420

    Feel like pulling my hair!! personal advice?

    alright guys thanks for the advise..i think I went thru traumatic shock for about 30 min. Its my first grow I wanted everything to go perfect. JUST HOPE all goes well..
  3. texaz0utlaw420

    Feel like pulling my hair!! personal advice?

    My 150w hps just fell on my 3 foot ak48! Ripped thru 2 branches and cut down 5 huge fan leaves. Shes 4 weeks into flowering. What kind of stess levels am I looking at? How will the growth and the yield be affected?:sad:
  4. texaz0utlaw420

    Maybe nute burn????

    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to switch back to veg nutes.
  5. texaz0utlaw420

    Maybe nute burn????

    Those where the only changes... I never flushed the cocogrow. should I flush and switch back to the (8-4-4)?
  6. texaz0utlaw420

    Maybe nute burn????

    The npk on the Bonnie plants food was (8-4-4) sorry forgot to mention that..
  7. texaz0utlaw420

    Maybe nute burn????

    Yes I just switched to Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Blend (2-3-5). before that I was using Bonnie plants Herb and Vegetable. Which was working really good for the veggie state..only the leaves that are new and on top of the canopy are crispy.
  8. texaz0utlaw420

    Maybe nute burn????

    Its my first grow. 2 ak48 in coco grow.. 4 days into flowering. Only the new leaves are growing out yellow. is it anything to be concerned about.
  9. texaz0utlaw420

    I fucked up!

    Ok thanx for the quick reply. Ima take some off the top
  10. texaz0utlaw420

    I fucked up!

    Instead of you using the regular jiffy pellets that I usually use I decided to use the tomato jiffy pellets. Which are the same, there just taller. Its been 5 days and they still haven't sprouted. when I dug some of the peat from the pellet out I saw that the seeds did crack and the root did...
  11. texaz0utlaw420

    Leaves Yellow And Wrinkled

    Wow..let me know what went wrong I don't want this happening to my babies!
  12. texaz0utlaw420

    1 Week Old And Has Yellow Spots.

    this might be a better view
  13. texaz0utlaw420

    1 Week Old And Has Yellow Spots.

    Yea its mg organic. Any suggestions on which type of soil to use?
  14. texaz0utlaw420

    1 Week Old And Has Yellow Spots.

    Under 120 Watt light 6 inch away in a 3 gallon pot MG soil.
  15. texaz0utlaw420

    is 1½ feet to high for my plants?

    Alright fellow stooners! Preciate the help and advice! Ill keep y'all posted!