Recent content by sw33tganjababe

  1. sw33tganjababe

    cutest dog on

    Unfortunately I can definitely believe someone would be a douchebag and abandon their Min Pin. Min Pins are one of the most difficult breeds to train and handle and aren't recommended for first time owners. They have so much energy that if the owner or family doesn't take care of them properly...
  2. sw33tganjababe

    Married stoners w/ non-smoking S/O, where do u smoke?

    Doesn't Snoop Dog have a man shed that he smokes in outside his house too?? I remember watching his show one time and his wife came out to said man shed and saw containers of fried chicken sitting around and Snoop's eyes chinked the EFF out. My fiance doesn't smoke and I usually smoke in the...
  3. sw33tganjababe

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    That really sucks, Purplekitty. I know that rage and anger you're talking about. I will never forget the moment I spent meeting my fiance's ex-girlfriend for the first time, in person. She was at least 7 inches shorter than I am, you know what I'm saying....perfectly sized for pick-it-up...
  4. sw33tganjababe

    wondering how much i should smoke

    I started out with a small "bat" hitter and only took one or two small hits and then waited. I usually shared with a friend or two, so since we were beginning smokers, it was just the right amount. If you start smoking more often, you may get used to the total loss of senses thing and like it...
  5. sw33tganjababe

    I quit my job yesterday...

    To the orig poster- Sorry to hear about your unemployment status. I was laid off the beginning of May and I'm still searching for a job. I'm on unemployment now, but I have been getting some better job interviews and pay prospects. My fiance and I are both unemployed, but are trying to...
  6. sw33tganjababe

    Breakfast Club

    Every time I watch Bender crawling through the airducts telling that joke but never finishing it I get so pissed when I'm blazed (like I am now...). Does anybody know the punchline??
  7. sw33tganjababe

    Best Quotes of All Time - Dazed & Confused

    "Wipe that face off your head, bitch" -Parker Posey in D & C P.S. That guy's name is Mitch. I had to watch this movie again after you said that and that kid is one blinking and hair messing bastard! ")
  8. sw33tganjababe

    Breakfast Club

    "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?" "Just imagine your dope is on fire, Bender." "That's impossible sir, because it's in Johnson's underwear."
  9. sw33tganjababe


    I'm in IL and all I can get is mids too.....when I read other posts that talk about white widow and other strains I drool like Homer Simpson just thinking about the high.....
  10. sw33tganjababe

    just might be the coolest things happend to me while stoned

    i'd say that's based on the dog breed personally. i have miniature pinschers and they act like a dog and cat combined and are fucking hyper and hilarious as hell.
  11. sw33tganjababe

    anyone else have a great stoner moment

    bong hits r as smooth as fuck... i have a water bong that is my fave. it does take up a lot of weed tho...
  12. sw33tganjababe

    anyone else have a great stoner moment

    blazin....your picture is effing HIGHlarious....I'm kind of new to this "repping" business, but in my opinion you deserve one solely for that pic! anyway...hell ya dude, I can't even smoke joints anymore bc I get so stoned I will literally grab the roach by the burning end and be like...
  13. sw33tganjababe

    How Often Do You Toke?

    I usually only toke when I get home from work. Too risky to drive with it on me (I feel) and I would hate coming down when I'm at work if I toked before I went in. Weekends I smoke way more...probably why weekends go so fast for me!
  14. sw33tganjababe

    Whats your favorite dog breed?

    i have 4 miniature pinschers....2 black and rust, 2 fawns. They have the most powerful legs EVER..........and when they sleep they like to pull blankets over their heads and wrap it around them....
  15. sw33tganjababe

    THE NIGHT-n-Toke. What is happenin.

    Oh yes, and I'm puffing a lovely midgrade out of a glass hitter..... Winding down from a long day of doing nothing good. :fire: