Recent content by Spetznaaz

  1. Spetznaaz

    Need some advice about switching to 12/12 and repotting

    Alright mate, i mean lights are off between 12 and 6, so it is on 18/6 atm, i just wasn't sure whether to let lights come on at normal time which is 6, then turn them off at 9am instead of 12, and start 12/12 from then, or wait untill 9, then have lights come on, then off again at 9 But it's...
  2. Spetznaaz

    Need some advice about switching to 12/12 and repotting

    Hi, So i have 3 girls, started in 1.5l pots, then to 5l, then i was going to transfer to 10l but discovered they were too big for my setup, so i've gone for 7.5l.. first question is, i am flipping to 12/12 tonight or tomorrow, but i need to pot them up into the 7.5l and i cant leave the veg...
  3. Spetznaaz

    Tell Me The Most Funniest Sex Incident You Ever Had And I'll Tell You Mine?

    Mate seriously, i'm not trying to be a dick here but i seriously can't understand a lot of what your typing. I'm actually interested to read your stories, but your grammer, spelling, punctuation and formatting are terrible.. It's not difficult to type properly and it makes people look retarded...
  4. Spetznaaz

    blender hash attempt

    Just to add, i followed the belnder instructions on this page: And it seems to have worked quite nicely. It did take a whole night for it to strain through the paper coffee filter but it has left i'd say atleast a gram of hash :)
  5. Spetznaaz

    Humidity in Curing Jars

    I'd say the buds are medium to high density, the stems snap after a slight bend and will crack in two if i bend them further - it's not every bud, the smaller buds seem to bend or snap but not in two.. like atm when i touch them i can't imagine mold possibly being able to form they are so dry, i...
  6. Spetznaaz

    Humidity in Curing Jars

    Even though some of the bud stems are snapping and humidity is 67% now, would you say i should still stick to the guide and continue with burping ntill i'm down to 65 then 60? Cheers
  7. Spetznaaz

    Humidity in Curing Jars

    Calibre III bud, i assume it's accurate as i have nothing to test it with.
  8. Spetznaaz

    Humidity in Curing Jars

    Cheers for posting that, that was the article i originally used, but i couldn't find it again for some reason. I'll follow that to the T and hope for the best, cheers :)
  9. Spetznaaz

    Humidity in Curing Jars

    Hi, So i have a couple of jars filled, dried for 3 days, chopped then put in jars, humidity was 75+ so they have been in and out of jars untill it went down to 70, this was over about a week period. So i read that you want to get the jars to 70% humidity then open the lid 2 times a day for...
  10. Spetznaaz

    EVERYONEDOESIT.COM Just Wants Your Credit Card Number,Good Luck After They Have It!!

    I was part of Edit back in it's forum days. Back then it had a different owner (Bushmaster/Mark), and it was one of the best companies you could order off. They once forgot something in my order, i emailed them, got a huge apology, and sent the item that was missing along with loads of freebies...
  11. Spetznaaz

    Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

    He emptied a mag into someone's face for fucking his wife, he may not deserve life, but a long hefty sentence.. you can't just do that shit, by all means kick the shit out of the guy, or fuck him over some other way but jesus. Funny though, if that was the u.k he woulda been out in 5 years...
  12. Spetznaaz

    Is This Nute Burn?

    Alright so i took a few photo's, what's the verdict? I apologise if someone has already said, but what exactly should i foliar feed with..? Cal-mag (i couldn't find any today when i tried) or dolomite lime or something..? On that huge guide to diagnose sick plants it says to fix calcium...
  13. Spetznaaz

    Is This Nute Burn?

    Lol sorry, I'm confused and a little high...
  14. Spetznaaz

    Is This Nute Burn?

    Yea literally just read this... in this case, what can i foliar feed with? Had to water earlier, and i don't fancy waiting till the next water, plus i heard foliar feeding was good for deficencies as it acted quicker... Shit so basically this is pretty bad times :(
  15. Spetznaaz

    Is This Nute Burn?

    Alright guys, again, thanks for everyones input :) They have just been watered with 1ml/l of grow and bloom, although they are looking pretty bad today so i'm not sure how badly this is going to affect their life cycle. Quick question, does anyone know if fan leaves are used to take in...