Recent content by spacem4ncan

  1. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    Really broke my heart :O Im working on a gravity fed irrigation plot for next season. Stay tuned !
  2. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    Ladies and gents I regret to inform you that my plants have been ripped.. :( .. This year was great expeience... but no more posting online
  3. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    They get around 8 hours of sun mostly direct.. One of em is getting it`s lower stalk nibbled on but I cleared that up with some insecticidal soap and they have been topped twice one has topping on lower branches for bushiness.
  4. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    Thanks man I'm so suprised these girls (hopefully) have grown so well especially since this is my first grow. I live around 10 minutes away from my plants so I can water them every 3 days, never more then 5 days. Around here we've been having sun for 3 or 4 days straight then rain right when the...
  5. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    These 2 plants are loving the sun, water and nutes they are getting and have not started flowering but are over 5 foot 6 inches and will continue to grow. Does anyone know when plants usually start flowering outdoors in Ontario?? Stems are looking thick leaves are green except for a few...
  6. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    Plants are looking much taller, have a great amount of water and have been fed nutes twice. They both are experiencing a degree of tiny yellow holes in the leaves and a few larger holes as you can see in some of my pictures. One of them has tilted a bit to the side so I need to stake her up...
  7. spacem4ncan

    Super Lemon Haze x Big Bang outdoor grow journal ONTARIO

    So I started off with 10 seeds. 9 germinated and I killed 7 of the nine because I'm a fuck up and I left them out in the sun all day.. but 2 are still alive and well. Each plant has 50 litres of organic potting soil I bought at a local gardening shop for dirt cheap. Haha get it... :) I...
  8. spacem4ncan

    First independant outdoor grow!! Advice needed!

    Alright thanks krew. Thats what I'll do.
  9. spacem4ncan

    Low budget grow

    So I'm just looking for advice and wondering whether or not my plan will work out. I'm thinking I germ my seeds and plant em directly outdoors in organic seed sprouting mix surrounded by natural soil at site maybe some sand and pebbles for drainage and 10-10-10 ferts mixed in with the soil. If I...
  10. spacem4ncan

    First independant outdoor grow!! Advice needed!

    ya im gonna stick to the strain i have because the seeds were free from my friend im just gonna go for it im in no position to buy or order seeds and i can gt banned for being underaged which im not saying i am but we might juat wanna tone it down with calling me a teenager not that its...
  11. spacem4ncan

    First independant outdoor grow!! Advice needed!

    thanks a bunch man ill be sure to do all that and what concentration of nutes do you use and what nutes? this strain has a 8-10 week flowering period so i should be okay cuz slh is 9-10 and big bang is 8-9 so ill be fine. I'm just wondering if it would be best to plant in potting soil or if i...
  12. spacem4ncan

    First independant outdoor grow!! Advice needed!

    oh so it happens that quick eh? well ill be sure to head up every day. I'm still unsure about how much i should water throughout growth stages
  13. spacem4ncan

    Starting seeds outdoor in a grow box

    Thanks for the reply. I need a way to start the seeds either outdoors or in my closet in a waythat would not be seen or smelt when the door would be opened :sad: . i was thinking about just germing the seeds and planting them in the spot in sprouting soil and then the other soil dug up and with...
  14. spacem4ncan

    Starting seeds outdoor in a grow box

    Hey guys I just wondering what the best way to start your own outdoor grow from seed to plant big enough to transplant outside I was thinking about taking a Tupperware container and putting it outside where would get 10 to 12 hours Of sun a day and putting the little cups filled with organuc...
  15. spacem4ncan

    Closet seedling grow box

    Thanks alot man this really helps he out :) do you think mylar is absolutely necessary? likemis reflection necessary? I'm just wondering about the cost of all this anyways ill just go to wallmart and see what they have there. Thanks again