Recent content by Snuckers

  1. S

    Consciousness420s random bagseed hydro grow

    I'm thinking about getting one of these GH Powergrower systems. How do you like it? Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
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    Adderall... my new "favourite"

    Gabriel420, I appreciate your reply. I understand that this message board is all about using drugs - and that's great. I think drugs are extraordinarily useful. But in order to use drugs in a beneficial way on a long term basis one has to do so responsibly. And part of responsible drug use is...
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    Oxycodone addiction, help please?

    GF, On the fake urine: No, the testing centers cannot tell that "Quick Fix" is fake urine based on everything I've read (many testimonials on various sites like this). Quick Fix says that it updates its formula every so often to stay ahead of drug testing facilities (most current formulation...
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    Adderall... my new "favourite"

    Gabriel420, if you are: 1) Staying up for several days straight; and 2) Getting popped for warrants; and 3) Comfortable taking a drug because it "doesn't really start fucking with my heart hardcore till the 2nd or 3rd consecutive day"; and 4) None of this really bothers you Then maybe...
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    Oxycodone addiction, help please?

    I guess I'm fortunate that pain pills never did anything for me except take away my pain, make me itchy, and make it take forever to orgasm (which is cool with a girl but no fun when alone). It sounds like you're getting some decent advice here. Just try cutting back your dose as you can...
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    Dartura/ Jimson Weed

    Some advice, just throw that shit out before you do something foolish. When I was really bored in high school a long long time ago, I ordered some Datura seeds from (and some morning glory seeds, syrian rue, salvia divinorum - back before Youtube made it popular). I had fun...
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    Call the cops on yourself

    @ Heyoka I agree with you completely. Only a fool would consent to a police search. One has everything to lose and absolutely nothing to gain by consenting to a police search. I cannot count how many times I watched some asshole on COPS call the police officers bluff. "Nah, I got nothing in...
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    Do long flowering Sativas yield less than Indicas? (g/ per plant / month)

    Some Sativa strains take a really long time to flower (10-13 weeks) compared to some Indicas (7-8 weeks). Generally, does the extra time translate into extra buds enough to make it worthwhile (with a scrog setup and limited plant count)? I am a first time grower planning a small medical grow...
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    1. Has your friend been arrested or charged for any crimes relating to this? He should not be talking to the police about anything for any reason. If he has yet to be charged he should STFU. If he's charged, he needs to shut up and let his lawyer do the talking. 2. Yes, your friend's myspace...
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    wrong address

    Re: The Warrant If the police make a mistake and show up at your place and see something illegal in "plain view" then they can seize it immediately. Alternatively, they could tell a judge what they saw and get a search warrant. The information used to get a warrant must be relatively "fresh,"...
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    Call the cops on yourself

    It is a funny idea. A few points: 1. First, don't open your door for the police - period. The police only ASK to search your place when they don't have permission to kick down your door. Just say no. Don't answer the door at all -- fuck 'em. Just stay inside, they will go away eventually or...
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    What # of plants to grow?

    If you're really serious about it then you need to look up the law for your state. Just google: "state name here" revised statutes -- then look within them for Cannabis or Marijuana. Based on the snippet you listed it looks like if you are caught growing more than 1.5 oz of cannabis then...
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    $15,000 room layout evaluation

    Just...damn. This layout is perfect for a 40' shipping container.
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    2400w Vertical Monster

    Hey Flojo, props for the nice setup. + Rep How much did you yield from this grow? Got any pics?
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    Newschool Cage Grow

    Neat setup. I like the robotic cock & balls. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. As far as the broken CFL, you better put on a pair of gloves and clean that shit up. CFL's have got powdered mercury in them and you don't want to be inhaling toxic heavy metal vapor.