Recent content by smokinschwag

  1. smokinschwag

    cultural marxism

    If you're trying to twist sentiments I've shared in a previous thread to defend ignorance, then please stop. Getting "straight to the point" has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of your claims. Anyway, please, by all means, say what you want to say using direct, honest language. That's...
  2. smokinschwag

    cultural marxism

    And you know this how? Sexual orientation is a vastly complex issue. It's definitely the case that social and cultural pressures, as you say, play a large role in determining a person's sexuality. To totally disregard genetics, however, is beyond naive. The consensus among most researchers is...
  3. smokinschwag


    I've used the same 4-piece Piranha 2.2" grinder for years. The diamond-cut teeth have held up very well.
  4. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it.
  5. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Yes. Exactly. One needs to refrain from judging another person until they've read at least a couple of their online posts. Once this has been done, ad hominem attacks are acceptable, but only if this scenario is taking place exclusively online and not in the brick and mortar world.
  6. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Pretty obvious, indeed. How am I to take you seriously, Fogdog? After all, we're not having this discourse in the "brick and mortar world." Had you approached me in a less hostile manner, then I might take your "conviction vs. what was said" distinction a little more seriously. No effort was...
  7. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Fogdog. One more thing. Did this little back and forth of ours not begin with your referring to me a "racist European-American asshole"? If I recall correctly, you gave me this label without first asking me to explain myself. Perhaps you'll say something like, "Well, it was obvious he's a this...
  8. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    It's the strong emphasis on words that I find silly. They're arbitrary symbols that have no meaning in and of themselves, only the sentiments that you yourself have attached. What I believe to be most important are one's intentions when they use these symbols. Don't hate words, hate the bitter...
  9. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    I don't remember saying anything about the death of racism, and it's definitely not at the heart of my premise. It seems as though you've judged me through your view of the world. We all judge, Fogdog, but the cultural Marxist lens through which you see things has taken this innate tendency and...
  10. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    LMAO! This speaks volumes. There's nothing more to say.
  11. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Not friends! Convoluted...What! Obtuse! How dare you consult an online thesaurus to throw such daggers at my heart! It's weird, Fogdog. Don't tell anyone, but my self-esteem kinda-sorta depends on your validation.
  12. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Although the burden of proof would normally be placed on you, I've determined that I should probably be the one to break this down on your behalf, bud. Condensed version: Basically, be loving, polite, civil, and helpful to your fellow man, regardless of race, color and creed. Original post: Let...
  13. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Basically, be loving, polite, civil, and helpful to your fellow man, regardless of race, color and creed. Don't, however, allow yourself and your ideas to become bogged down by euphemisms and diluted by a pathological obsession with possibly hurting someone's feelings. This is not to say that...
  14. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Eh. I've seen many of his posts around here. He doesn't seem too concerned with rational discourse, and his ideas certainly aren't predicated on truth-seeking. It seems that the primary aim of his intellectually dishonest drivel is to get a like from Uncle Buck.
  15. smokinschwag

    why do you hate political correctness?

    Are you familiar with the Latin phrase "ad hominem," bud?