Recent content by smokingsaasquatch

  1. smokingsaasquatch

    when, if ever will you stop? (toking)

    Never! It's the tree of life. I will probably cut back a little...But I will never stop.
  2. smokingsaasquatch

    what r u listening to right now

    Can't forget the classsic 95 freestyle with Jay...
  3. smokingsaasquatch

    Check this out.

    This shit is crazy. Came acrossed it while smoking a bowl..Tripped me out haha.
  4. smokingsaasquatch

    Joseph israel

    Ginger is refering to someone who has red hair and freckels.
  5. smokingsaasquatch

    weird smoking habits/routines?

    I love driving high! I deliver pizzas so Im always high and driving. The only thining I do everytime I smoke is light up a cigarette after.
  6. smokingsaasquatch

    what r u listening to right now

    Jah roots!
  7. smokingsaasquatch

    Blunt,Joint,Bowl,Bong,ect. WHICH IS UR FAV?

    1. Joint 2. Bowl 3. Bong 4. Vaporizer 5. Blunt
  8. smokingsaasquatch

    HWLP! How do I clean my glass bong???

    I can't stand going a day with out cleaning it! 3 months?? I would probably throw up.
  9. smokingsaasquatch

    Why evertime me and my girl smoke together

    Like Nike just do it! Stick it in and have some fun with it.
  10. smokingsaasquatch

    HWLP! How do I clean my glass bong???

    I have always used salt and have never had any problems and that goes with eveyone else I know. Maybe rock salt might harm it...But if your are just using table salt you will be fine!
  11. smokingsaasquatch

    The weed angels are watching over me!:)

    Just don't smoke around crowds. If your just chilling in a park or something no one will smell it...If someone walks by just play it cool. I doubt anyone will care. If you see someone staring at you or acting funny then I would get outta there. Most people wouldn't even know whats up. Just play...
  12. smokingsaasquatch

    HWLP! How do I clean my glass bong???

    Or salt...You probably have that around the house.
  13. smokingsaasquatch

    The weed angels are watching over me!:)

    I wouldn't worry about it. I wouldn't smoke by a school though! Are you just smoking joints? Most people wouldn't even pay attention, Just looks like your smoking a cigarette.