Recent content by Smokey F Baby

  1. S

    Vitiman Water

    Anyone have any idead
  2. S

    Vitiman Water

    Vapor Distilled water crystaline fructose vegetable juice citric acid Vitiman c magnesium lactate (electrolyte) Zinc Monopotassiuim phosphate (electrolyte) B3 B5 B6 B12 These are the ingredients in glaceau vitiman water defense. do you think it could be benifical to add some to hydro since...
  3. S

    Danishes, Bud Claws, and Other sweets

    Puff pastry...a great way to enjoy cannabutter seeing as how nearly a 1lb and a half is laminated into the dough. This is also the dough used to make crissaonts just rolled a differnt way let me go find my baking and pastry textbook.
  4. S

    What you listening to right now?

    Young Jeezy-trap or die
  5. S

    Oh My Fucking Jesus

    I cloned from the broken leaf and my runt is in the same areoponics system as the rest so the best i can do is lower the light into my box a little more. I mean all of them were doing fucking awesome even the runt then this shit set morale back, and I think they all think they are next.
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    Oh My Fucking Jesus

    Well rule numero uno. Do not smoke purp and drink wine, and then decide to fuck with your perfectly good grow box thinking you can improve it. So last night a fan crushed the runt of the group slightly snapping its stem, and tore a leaf off another much larger plant, causing me to just remove...
  7. S

    Vertical light

    I have my 400w light hanging verticly in my grow box with ventilation and CO2. Temps on a themometer read 83 when on. Would the addition of a reflector be nessacary. The inside of the box is flat white paint. Fore more info on my growroom go to my introduction in the greeting forum.
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    Grow Box

    plus i got C02 in there that helps them grow at hotter temps?
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    Grow Box

    yeah my room stays about 83 with the light on but now i can keep the door to my closet open and the air conditioning will permeate the room. Also I decided to switch to 12/12 and let them start flowering because i don't want them to be tall. but everything is up and running now so i'll let you...
  10. S

    Grow Box

    So my NYC Haze plants are one month old today, and I decided they should get a present. I got two 30 gal tubs and placed my areoponics system at the bottom of one and flipped the other over on top of it. I then attached both with duct tape. (The inside of both is flat white paint.) And cut a...
  11. S

    New Farmer

    Whats up from the south. Home of the purp. Right now I got 5 NYC Haze plants, grown from pollinated (purposefuly) females from (NYC). I use a 400wMH on a switchable ballast running 18/6. The fucking light is hanging vertically until I get a hood, but the walls of the closet are white so I...