Recent content by smokedup12

  1. smokedup12

    Neem oil during flowering

  2. smokedup12

    leaves turning in. leaves look crispy.

    My issue was too dry, low humidity. Sprayed them with some water and they felt better an hour later, i then turn off dehumitifer and new growth was not affected. Dehydrated leaves
  3. smokedup12

    Neem oil during flowering

    IMO i can always naste the neem oil if it is ever applied to any buds. asoon as u have some flowers stop using it. Ive also seen neem oil cause bud to burn black(ash)
  4. smokedup12

    flushing vs low nitrogen

    Ive experimented using organic's such as super earth tea bloom as a flushing agent. 1/4 strength and water of course. Seemed to have given it a more earthly taste. Very hard to tell from show to show would probably wanna try a side by side comparison. I will try it my self on a few
  5. smokedup12

    pH Perfect Technology and my next grow....

    Just marketing, need to use a ph meter.
  6. smokedup12

    Will power bar lights disturb dark period?

    Not a big deal at all. I grew a few plant out doors last summer they had a overhead street lamp shine on them throu out the night, never had a problem. Also light leakage from 2-400w in my indoor, again not a problem. Led's are dink all
  7. smokedup12

    BCNL Producer Review

    I have been running 2x BCNL Producer as side project for quite some time now. This true review will help people deciding on purchasing from bcnl and help people who have already bought a bcnl pro. Lighting ------------ Issue starts with intake fan only being 4inch 100 cfm . As shown below...
  8. smokedup12

    White powdery mold PLEASE HELP.

    eagle20 also another product great for pm, these products will absorbe into plant and fight off the PM disease. Eagle20 is again very toxic to humans. These products will stunt the plant for about a week. Do not use if plant is flowering.
  9. smokedup12

    White powdery mold PLEASE HELP.

    yes flormite has helped many people including my self get rid of PM. It is also advertised as a mite and mold remedy. I strongly disagree with a sulfur burner, Buds will taste like match heads. Pm is caused by over crowding, humidity and air movement. Fix the problem instead of covering up...
  10. smokedup12

    White powdery mold PLEASE HELP.

    How about a picture? but yah u have to get rid of the moldly leaves. U can chop a majority of leaves off a plant and it accualy reacts very well(like a near death experience and having a new lease on life lol) ive cut off up to 75%. but again would need a pic to tell u in your situation.
  11. smokedup12

    White powdery mold PLEASE HELP.

    Air movement and humitiy is your problem. You may need to treat with chemical such as floramite from growshop. The shit is very powerful and toxic to humans so watch out. Also cut the infect leafs off and dispose immediately. if you wanna go cheap just use very low ph water and cover the plants.
  12. smokedup12

    Help Spider Mites

    azamax will destroy them. And anything else
  13. smokedup12

    Please help with Advanced Nutrients

    Watch out with supertrive that shit is very powerful and recommend half strength at all times.
  14. smokedup12

    How often to generate new Co2?

    The co2 controller is going to pay it self off 10 fold. Keeping optimal co2 ppm in the room will only benefit you.