Recent content by sirgrowalott

  1. S

    Ultrasonic Plant Stimulation using the Transonic Bird X Pest Repeller

    biowave sounds like infrasound. vibrations so low you can't hear them. That price tag just turns me off. Ultrasonic frequencies are so high you can't hear them. From reading, I gathered that ultrasound causes molecule vibration within the plant cell increasing energy levels and catalyzing...
  2. S

    Ultrasonic Plant Stimulation using the Transonic Bird X Pest Repeller

    Here is the pest repelling Transonic Bird X ultrasonic sound generator. Now, I'm sure some have heard of ultrasonic plant stimulation. Here's a little yahoo answers about it: Its pretty well known that ultrasonic plant...
  3. S

    Do I need a heat pad when cloning?

    You want the medium to be warmer so the roots will grow faster. If the foliage is colder, it will grow slower which is exactly what you want with clones. You want the piece of plant to put as much energy into making roots as possible which would go hand in hand with putting as little energy into...