Recent content by Shoobinah

  1. Shoobinah

    Ways of Knowing If Your Plants Are Ready To Harvest

    just go to radio shack or your local hydro shop. They both should have a small microscope under 15$, you never wanna worry if your bud could have been better
  2. Shoobinah

    My worst mistake starting out was....

    Soil; Overwatering for sure, And for hydro gotta calibrate those ph meters at least once a week if not more
  3. Shoobinah

    plants to big bloom room not ready. please help

    Lower the lights if you can, or tie em down
  4. Shoobinah

    First Indoor 1000w Mango Kush, Purple Widow Tent Fox Farm ... better late than never.

    Shits looking frosty, try taking some pics w/o the hps on i wanna see the color
  5. Shoobinah

    This is why Guns should be legal everywhere and why NOT to let others know you grow

    I dont think the grower will get in trouble unless he was over his plant limit. "No charges have been suggested or pursued against Mr. James for shooting these two men," Fayette said.
  6. Shoobinah

    Sativa Lovers

    Just grew blue dream and well I use to be an indica guy but that strain changed me. Its a hybrid but sativa dominant
  7. Shoobinah

    high humidity problems during flowering?????

    The lower the better in flowering. especially when the buds start getting big. 45 is still high.
  8. Shoobinah

    Fck Rippers

    at least call the cops on the fact they were trying to poison your dog. Your weed is long gone from that house by now. Get em on something so at least they know you weren't naive about what happened
  9. Shoobinah

    Man Forget Goin to the Club to meet somethin new

    How many times can you say wallly/wal mart in one song god damn
  10. Shoobinah

    So Like...

    I cant wait till dubstep goes away
  11. Shoobinah

    Early pest problem, not much damage on plant yet help me save them! HELP!

    neem oil for a couple of weeks. I just found the same thing on my flowering girl, the earlier the better.
  12. Shoobinah

    recommend me some strains?

    Probably should check out a quick flowering indica or hybrid. I'm in nor-calish and my sativias are just starting to flower.
  13. Shoobinah

    Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

    Wow even in California. Why shoot them in the upper body though, I thought chappelle show tought us better
  14. Shoobinah

    Just bought seeds, is it really "too late" to plant them in the season?

    Never heard of using that, rockwool cubes are cheap and available where I'm at. Give it a go though if its just some shitty seeds