Recent content by SHIZI

  1. SHIZI

    2 weeeks into flowering, burned a leaf

    Ya, dont use miracle grow....... heard to many bad stories from buds of mine about that shit
  2. SHIZI

    Can you only really tell a plant is male in the flowering stage?

    I have a plant that has just started budding and only the top flower has things that sorta look like seed pods but then again it could still be bud sprouts. Only the top of the plant are showing these seed type things the other parts are growing what looks like strictly bud....Any help?
  3. SHIZI

    150hps*hindu,skunk#1,OGkushs,AK47 and WW x WR

    yo i like your grow man. I just got pics of my fastblast and others up ill send u the link in a min
  4. SHIZI

    Fast Blast Afropip.....Fastest weed to grow?

    ok so it has been a while since i reposted seeds came in and now my fastblast plant is about 5 inches tall and super healthy...i will put pics up asap
  5. SHIZI

    dr chronic

    yeah i got got 10 fastblast seeds fast from the cron here on the east coast of U.S.... n my plants are really healthy and super fast to grow, i dont think he jips anyone out...
  6. SHIZI

    Lucky me! my only test plant is a girl :D

    yeah man, people are to critical about growing, they think it should take a couple hundred dollars and a lot of shit, thats only if u wanna make a career out of it...growing like you and me low budget for a few girls is always worth it...fuck tha haters mang
  7. SHIZI

    hindu, skunk#1, and soon to come WWxWRyhno"hustersWidow"

    no idea man.... it should soon i guess, i never have problems with rooting at all....oh and those fastblast seeds i got from chronic were fire i got a big healthy plant right now, im getting pics up soon
  8. SHIZI

    hindu, skunk#1, and soon to come WWxWRyhno"hustersWidow"

    good call on the distilled man
  9. SHIZI

    what should be my next batch

    G13 is an amazing smoke. Honestly i do not know about the majority of the other ones but G13 has been my arguably best smoke ever. But you most likely cant go wrong with any of these
  10. SHIZI

    What the hell is wrong with ROLLITUP.ORG?

    Maybe your computer is just slow??????? u been checking out some of that shit where a girl sucks off a three legged Mini Pony? cuz shit like that could deff harm your pc bro
  11. SHIZI

    Marijauna Thieves Cut My Babies....HELP ME!

    oh and it has be three weeks since i replanted them
  12. SHIZI

    Marijauna Thieves Cut My Babies....HELP ME!

    Thanks a lot man. I actually have an update about this whole situation with me....Well i took the stems out of the ground and i took them elsewhere and planted them and didnt ever in a million years think anything of it.....i came back to the spot yesterday and they now have leaves pushing out...
  13. SHIZI

    marijuana plants not flowering

    Patience is key
  14. SHIZI

    Mailing a small amount...

    yeah that is true....i mail seeds and weed around all the time.......Oh and once i got that confiscation thing letter with green tape from customs...just letting me know they took it...that is it. NOthing happend
  15. SHIZI

    Florida Growers Thread

    yeah man, im in O-Town....downtown area lk underhill