Recent content by sehnazjoshep

  1. S

    Trichome Sunflower

    What a nice art is this! For this Art what software have your used? I think you have used photoshop for this. But I saw many of the sunflowers and all are in yellow color but this one is in green color so there is a little bit confusion about its color.
  2. S

    Organic Tea Question

    Organic tea may help to prevent everything from tooth cavities to Parkinson's disease. This tea leaves have contents of flavonoids which are a group of compounds with antioxidant activity. But any one know that in which season this tea is very beneficial for health?
  3. S

    Indoor Watermelon.

    I think you mean to say that you are growing watermelon in your house or in house's garden? I think I don't hear about this that watermelon is also grown in house so let me clear this point that are you grow water melon in your room in the house or in the house garden?
  4. S

    How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]

    What nice recipe is this! I liked it very much. You have described here this recipe in very understandable and easy manner so everyone can easily understand it and also attached pictures of it so this would be very easy for making. Thanks for sharing.