Recent content by saltiva

  1. S

    Being Frugal!

    I make damn near every beauty product known to man in the comfort of my own home.....with even better results! From facial masks to hair removal creams, I have learned how to make them on my own, saves HELLA $$ but you must invest time! I am working on making my own cleaning products, baking...
  2. S

    Considering on making DWC Bubblers and selling on Internet for supplemental income

    This is a wonderful idea! I would suggest that you make a website for your product, and market it from there. Online you can reach not only a local audience, but a nationwide audience who may have intrest in your product. With ecommerce you can sell your product 24/7/365! I would definately keep...
  3. S

    my money-making venture (hell, gotta start somewhere)

    I would definately begin posting adds on craigslist and backpage:)! It is winter time and MANY people NEED firewood! If you could deliver it, even better! You would do great business with the elderly whom at this time of year cannot go out and chop down their own wood. GO for it!!!
  4. S

    Making real money on the web!! (advice and volunteers needed)

    I am a bit new to the forums here but I would be happy to help. I have worked with affiliate programs and I am currently trying to transition from affiliate sales to becoming a website designer. Right now I am more of a hobbyist but I am looking to expand!! I am starting to design my...
  5. S

    Newbie with a doobie

    Hello everyone! I have lurked here a long time and all I can say is wow, what a wealth of information and welcoming people! I can't believe I waited so long to become a part of this canna community! Hope to get to know all of you better soon! Sal