Recent content by rufus thomas

  1. rufus thomas

    Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)

    Hi Someguy, Thanks for the reply in the 250w thread. I'm liking the idea of the parabolic. I do 2x large box modular flat SCROG's but not being able to remove them from the wardrobe would worry me -it gets quite humid in the last 2 wks... i like to move them around and turn the boxes. However...
  2. rufus thomas

    Co2 during veg?

    Thanks, thats the info I was searching for. It makes sense to me. I tend to divide the expectant flower period in half and dose for the first half. Cheers all. Rufus T
  3. rufus thomas

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks man. I seem to have hit a plateau and am struggling to squeeze out any more yeild. 4.5 oz is my norm. Its quite a small space and I'm filling the whole bottom space with the scrog although I've a bit of spare vertical space. I'm using 250w HPS enhanced spectrium,Canna...
  4. rufus thomas

    Co2 during veg?

    Hi guys, I'm onto the co2 too. First time using but its made a great difference. I've read from Jorge Cervantes that some growers reckon not to use it in the last 2 weeks as it reduces potency. Anyone have any experience of this? Rufus T
  5. rufus thomas

    good CHEAP glass jars for curing?

    For anyone in the UK, Morrisons have Mason jars. £2.99 small, £3.99 medum/large
  6. rufus thomas

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thought I'd give y'all a sneaky peek of my current project. Both vegged for 3 weeks. Now 3 wks in flower. 250W enhanced spectrum bulb. First time I've tried co2 from bicarb and vinegar. I've sourced an endless free supply of bicarb so I'm dosing them right up. Seems to have made a...
  7. rufus thomas

    Interesting data on Cannabis (Mis)reporting in UK

    Yeah, not sure how you die from cannabis. I guess if someone jumps out of a window while stomed it'll no doubt get the blame but theres always other factors. The statisctic that really shines out is the 484% reporting figure for cannabis. It really shows the tabloid scaremongering on weed in the...
  8. rufus thomas

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hi, i'm new here too but i have experience. I was in the same boat as you. I found if i just had a fan on the inside i was getting well over 90 deg. There's nowhere for the hot air to escape. My solution was to keep the door slightly ajar and have the fan blowing out. I wasn't growing a stinky...
  9. rufus thomas

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hi Guys, Just found this thread. Nice one. I'm a 250w uk scrogger. Hope to share some helpful info with y'all. I'll post some pics of my current proj soon. Rufus T
  10. rufus thomas

    Interesting data on Cannabis (Mis)reporting in UK

    Some Interesting facts coming out of the UK drugs crisis.......... Last week, the government has sacked its most senior drugs advisor, Dr Professor Nutt, after he claimed cannabis was no more harmful than alcohol. And that horse-riding was riskier than taking ecstasy. (Technically...
  11. rufus thomas

    House of Lords - Off their Nutts!!

    Taken from The Times.....War on drugs hotting up in the UK. These people are in power. Hilarious. Lords all at sea as cannabis debate gets Nutt-ier by the day Ann Treneman: political sketch 5 Comments Recommend? (5) div#related-article-links p a...
  12. rufus thomas

    Unknown Light Wattage

    Thanks guys, i'll get my screwdriver out.
  13. rufus thomas

    Unknown Light Wattage

    Hi guys, I've been given a metal halide balast and bulb. It looks like one of those industrial jobs with a built in balast. Problem is I can't find any refrence to power/wattage on the balast or the bulb? I'm guessing its 400 or 600 watt. Can I tell the wattage by the size of the bulb alone...
  14. rufus thomas

    Bulb Wattage unknown

    Hi guys, I've been given a metal halide balast and bulb. It looks like one of those industrial jobs with a built in balast. Problem is I can't find any refrence to power/wattage on the balast or the bulb? I'm guessing its 400 or 600 watt. Can I tell the wattage by the size of the bulb alone...
  15. rufus thomas

    Additional Ad-Hoc lighting

    many thanks Trapper. I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the welcome y'all.