Recent content by RobNYC

  1. RobNYC

    Fertilizer with every watering?

    Should I add fertilizer to my water every time I water? Im growing indoors 2 foot tall mazar plants 3 months old?
  2. RobNYC

    Reflective material

    Im planning my grow room. Im building my room out of plywood. What should I use for reflective material? (To line my plywood)
  3. RobNYC

    Curling this a problem?

    Its Nightshade indica under 18/6 400 watt HPS light, in a 1 gallon pot appr 14 inches tall. Soil is 1 part of each worm castings, vermeculite, perlite, fox farm soil. PH = 7 soil = moist light is 12 inches above the plant. Its 7 weeks old, not using fertilized water yet.
  4. RobNYC

    Curling this a problem?

    My leaves are starting to curl as they're coming in. Is this normal?
  5. RobNYC


    Not really sure what happened here, but my nightshade indica and mazar are kicking ass.
  6. RobNYC


    For some reason my Kush started blooming early. Its 9 inches tall. Be that as it may I want to clone it. Is that possible even though its budding?
  7. RobNYC

    Too early to clone?

    Thanks all, following your suggestions, I pulled three clones out of this one. I also used Big Bens topping technique
  8. RobNYC

    Too early to clone?

    OK its a two part question. This is my first plant. I want to take clones. Is it too small to clone from? Also Im concerned that its not bushy enough. Should I cut the top down? Suggestions?
  9. RobNYC

    18/6 or 24/0 ?

    I just moved my plants indoor and have them running 18/6. They love this increase in light. So I'm wondering, is it advantageous to run them 24/0?
  10. RobNYC

    Is my plant budding too soon?

    Im worried that my plant is budding too soon, its around 5 weeks old. I think its my Purple Kush. What do you think?
  11. RobNYC

    Manure? Fertilizer? or both?

    Any suggestions for fertiizer?
  12. RobNYC

    Manure? Fertilizer? or both?

    My indoor plants are sitting in worm castings soil, vermeculite and perlite. Theyre three weeks old. What should I start using to fertilize hem? I have access to cow and horse manure. Should I use those? Or is there a fertilizer that you can recommend?:blsmoke:
  13. RobNYC

    Mature vs Immature

    My County allows me to have 6 plants at any time. I can have 6 mature and 6 immature plants. Does anyone know the legal difference?
  14. RobNYC

    Moving from Outside to Inside?

    Ahhh and save on electric. Smart.
  15. RobNYC

    Moving from Outside to Inside?

    So after dusk, can I move them indoors permanently?