Recent content by r.diddy

  1. R

    Flowering question

    like england123 said, 600 or even 400 watt hps and call it a day. its prolly gonna be hard to get much more out of your plants unless you r doing some really advanced shit. just keep it simple. and hps vegged my clones nicely btw.
  2. R

    Harvesting only PARTS of a plant in flower? ok?

    not whether its a weed or not but the fact that you dont have to baby it. it has to endure outdoor weather in its natural environment. colas get heavy and fall over, breaking the stem, and its been that way for hundreds of years. im sure cutting the top colas off wont hurt a bit. its just...
  3. R

    De-Leaf 2 weeks into Flower

    I agree with sohigh. but hey, it would be the shit if you came out with the next latest and greatest cultivation technique. good lucK!!
  4. R

    Harvesting only PARTS of a plant in flower? ok?

    very funny!! wish more ppl got this concept.
  5. R

    watering ideas

    yea, u prolly right, they should b okay if i do the 2 stage watering deal. thanks. Any store bought watering devices you can think of.
  6. R

    watering ideas

    goin out of town for 3 days and my plants usually need water every 2 days or they start shriveling horribly. what solutions do i have?
  7. R

    Sleeping in growroom, increse Co2????

    laughed my ass off!! not a shabby concept tho.
  8. R

    top is clawing, bottom is yellow. FML

    top is clawing, bottom is yellow. i just started flowering on thanksgiving and have not given any nutrients since a 2 days before that. should i go ahead and give bloom nutes while the clawing still indicates to much nutes already? if not, does the clawing go away on its own, quickly, or will...
  9. R

    will plants recover from deficiency

    word. good info. thanks all.
  10. R

    will plants recover from deficiency

    hey, new to the forum. haven't really needed to post, as most info is found thru search... anyhow, can anyone tell me whether or not leaves recover once a deficiency is corrected and if not, should i go ahead and remove the leaves, or allow them to die completely and fall off on their own.