Recent content by Pothead.Tom

  1. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    lmao. i think youre all half-retarded. straight up.. theyre not MY BUDS! much for OPEN conversation! freedom of speech? freedom of opinion? i have mine, you have yours. this thread is for mine. so fuck off then? this forum is SEVERELY LACKING; and is clearly un-maintained, mod's...
  2. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    alternatives? i smoke legal bud mixed with marijuana...? i dont understand why everyone is against this? ....seriously... maybe i should change the poll.... how MANY of you actually ever HAVE TRIED LEGAL-BUD? do we have ANY first hand experience here? -- i'm really finding my self...
  3. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    wow.. crazy stuff... the legal buds strands i get tho, are nothing like that.. they dont add jwh to try and give you a high.... the stuff is NOT supposed to get you high... it DOES relax you a bit, might help you sleep, some may be aphrodisiacs, some DO say like a body high (but its like a...
  4. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    what ?? nooooo! see? thats that k2 bs... im NOT promoting nor have ever tried that... thats NOT the same stuff.... lmao...... this stuff is like fake weed, herbs grown around the world mostly for FLAVOR
  5. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    wow... so many haters.. ive been "medicating" with marijuana for a very long time.. i figured thats what this section was for, sorry if i misunderstood.. and umm....i guess my question is... what do u think im selling? .... theyre not MY buds.... i dont get wtf u think ur talking...
  6. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    i do understand what your saying, and ive heard the same about that k2/3 or jwh stuff or what not-- this is NOT what im referring to.. just to be clear... ive never tried any of that shit, as ive heard all the same things. UNPLEASANT SIDE EFFECTS!
  7. Pothead.Tom

    Mixing Marijuana with LegalBuds

    the only posts ive seen about mixing things with pot on here, were in the cooking section. i dont wanna just promote my site, so im not even gonna list it... at least not right away? or maby if anyone wants to ask me for it, feel free to pm me. but i wanted to talk about this somewhere, like...
  8. Pothead.Tom

    hi.. hopefully im allowed to post my site's url here. incase any of you are looking for it from...

    hi.. hopefully im allowed to post my site's url here. incase any of you are looking for it from my posts.. my site is at: mix weed, weed ice science, articles and useful posts on techniques and methods for smoking medical marijuana, and legal bud.