Recent content by Plants on Nitro

  1. Plants on Nitro

    800 watts too much for 48 cf?

    More light the better it looks like you have all the spectrum covered. Except for the heat build up. Getting rid of the heat is the hardest part of your grow.
  2. Plants on Nitro

    1st Clone 3rd day in

    Stealthy means using fuorescent lights. So the infared cant see the op. Another way to avoid infared is have your HID only on during the day time. The HID puts out such an intense heat that it can easily be seen.
  3. Plants on Nitro

    Al B. FAQt

    Thanks for all of the help from this web site. Al You have saved me many hour and alot of mistakes which equals dollars. I have gone through all of your posts and cut and pasted your advice into MS Word, so I can reference it anytime. I am going to try some of that Sweet Tooth. Thanks again.
  4. Plants on Nitro

    Low Ryder2

    Did you think it was a good idea to raise LR2? It grows slow compared to Non-Rudy plants. Should it be grown alone because of the lights going up with the other plants. With hydroponics I cant move the garden up to meet the lights. To me it seems like you can get 10 times the yield with normal...
  5. Plants on Nitro

    GrowSpecialist's Grow Room

    How is your indoor grow going?
  6. Plants on Nitro

    BlueCheesey's AK47xLR2 Autoflower 400HPS Closet Grow

    Would you mind telling me which one was the Lowryder, was the other strain a auto flowerer. None of them quit look like LR. Thanks
  7. Plants on Nitro

    seeds on sale

    I dont trust the UK Companies. I have gotten burned by two different companies. and Sensible Seed Co. Sensible has taken over 6 weeks now and sent my order Registered mail, which means I have to go to the Post Office and sign for my package with the police standing...
  8. Plants on Nitro

    can seeds be 2 fresh

    I have already done that experiment. I had plants that looked like those freaks in the picture and it turned out to be not enough water. Your stems are purple and it is struggling to drink and eat. Keep that soil moist never dry. I am a hydro farmer and i can very easily cut off water or give...
  9. Plants on Nitro

    type of water

    I am having a real hard time with germinating. I have tryed everything. More heat less heat, more air less air, more water less water, in zip lock bag with zipper open. Out of 100's of seeds only about 20 grew. I have some of the seeds (10) that broke and grew were all Low Ryder2. They are...
  10. Plants on Nitro

    GrowSpecialist's Grow Room

    Beautiful Bud. I am sitting here imagining those buds are in front of me. Looks like you had to pick it just a tad early. Now, is that your outdoors grow. Thanks
  11. Plants on Nitro

    Sensible Seed comes Thru...

    I ordered mine from Sensible. They were very quick to take my money, same day, but havent seen my package yet. They emailed me two weeks later and told me they were out of one of the strains. Does that mean they held up my whole order during that two weeks. It has been 5 long weeks of checking...
  12. Plants on Nitro

    Seed Bank Question:

    Ok they finally responded to my email as "That might be possible" What does that mean? They should of said, that they would send replacements out right away. Yep my first delivery from them was mailed straight to address no problem, but second odrder was sent Registered mail. I did get those...
  13. Plants on Nitro

    Seed Bank Question:

    Yep, used my real name, because I have read alot of threads saying use your real name so it doesnt tip off the postman. When you go get a registered letter they make you show your ID. Thanks
  14. Plants on Nitro

    Seed Bank Question:

    I am having a problem with They sent my cd Registered mail, which means I have to go down to the Post Office and sign for the package. This is a big no no, I was affraid to pick it up. So I emailed them to see what they can do for me and they wont even send me a reply. I...
  15. Plants on Nitro

    They sent my cd registered mail and the Post Office is holding them and I am required to sign for them. This was a very bad thing that they did to me and they wont return my email after several attempts. Should I be worried about getting replacement seeds, getting my money back, getting set up...