Recent content by norm666420

  1. norm666420

    Arizona Bagseed

    so close i cant wait
  2. norm666420

    Deer bow season

    I think round planets idea is a good one but to be honest if you have a dog or even your friends dog take it for a walk in the early morning and about 3 in the afternoon if he sees you then hell be scared off if he knows there isnt any deer!
  3. norm666420

    Arizona Bagseed

    I guess the Arizona sun is good for something other than sunburns!
  4. norm666420

    when time of the day should i harvest?

    i heard its a good idea to harvest late at night or early morning before the sun comes up because the plant takes all the moisture in the plant and stores it in the roots at night to conserve water then distributes it throughout the plant when the sun rises
  5. norm666420

    i want some az growers in here! post your outdoor grows anyone

    some of my AZ plants , more than cactus in the desert!
  6. norm666420

    2 or 3 weeks whatcha think?

    just bomb ass mexican bagseed i got, this just goes to show you more than cactus can grow in arizona
  7. norm666420

    2 or 3 weeks whatcha think?

    started from seed early april unknown strain just good bagseed flowering for 8-10 weeks i think. How long do you guys think? 1st pic whole bud 2nd pic close up sorry kinda shitty pics but i can only work with what i got!
  8. norm666420


    thanks bro i was hoping i didnt make a mistake.
  9. norm666420


    I know this a rookie question but is a 15-30-15 a good ratio for nutes during flowering? Thanks for any help you guys give
  10. norm666420

    Get buds moist/fluffy again

    [ does that make it Mexican weed.... thats funny shit!
  11. norm666420

    1,2,3,or possibly 4

    Need help fellow growers ,how many weeks do i have left all the pictures are from the same plant first pic is from one of the lower buds
  12. norm666420

    How to make your plant turn purple?

    water with Purple Kool Aid, you can also use blue, orange,red,or piss on it to turn it yellow SARCASM INTENDED
  13. norm666420

    1st Time Grower Have Questions Please Help?

    as they age some pistils will orange but new pistils should still sprout its an ongoing cycle til the plant finishes
  14. norm666420


    just posted my pics sorry they arent that good!