Recent content by Noobgrower74

  1. N

    Flip these bitches?

    Ik this is some one else's post but I was wondering if anybody had any good advice.i woke up this morning and my one plant is wilted. Idk what strain it is. Idk why it's wilting. I haven't done anything different than the rest of the plants. They are grown hydroponically I am changing out the...
  2. N

    Help my one plant is wilting.

    I woke up this morning and my one plants leaves are starting to wilt. idk why, it was doin amazing yesterday it's got plenty of water. ( As it's done hydroponically) I'm guessing it might be too warm. Any info or advice is nice.
  3. N

    New Grower Needs Some Help

    If anybody could let me know if this one could make it. Or if I should just start another one. It's been looking like this for a few days and the other ones are only getting bigger.
  4. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    OK. Imma let it grow. It'll give me more experience for next year.
  5. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    OK, there just might be a lil problem. I got this seed out of a bag and was told it's from an auto flower, unknown strain, is that gonna b a problem bringing it indoors??( My original plan was to just let go as long as possible to get it big enough to get big buds)
  6. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    Are you sure that it'll grow fast enough because I'm towards the U.P and i started it late so it's still only like 4'' tall.
  7. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    So my plant lived. Hooray! It's still really small tho. I put it in the ground and it's starting to grow crooked I was thinking about putting it back into a big pot. Should i put it in a pot or leave it in the ground?( for best results)
  8. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    Thank you. I will definitely try it.
  9. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    The ones in question died I only have one left. On another note I'm gonna b going out of town for a week and that one is in a pot. Would anybody happen to know a way for me to make sure it stays watered while I'm gone without having to worry about it dying?? It's my last one and I want to make...
  10. N

    Gorilla glue #4 outside Michigan.

    I got some seedlings that I believe are dying from over watering. I transplanted them into bigger pots today, with very little water to help the dirt settle around the roots. The leaves are wilting and turning yellow. I got them outside and it rained on top of me watering them that day (didn't...