Recent content by Nimbus2506

  1. N

    So what the hell just happened?

    Thanks that was what I'm planning on doing now. I wanted to see how much it could have recovered, I guess not... I have fans 2 intakes 1 outtake. I added no nutes So it must be the soil. I didn't notice but it has higher nitrogen levels that first thought. Thanks. :)
  2. N

    So what the hell just happened?

    So this is why I hate Australia, Well I don't technically hate Australia just the heat element. The healthier looking one can you believe it 4 weeks old easy ryder. Very very hot tropical conditions. Rained in the afternoon with 30+ degree days. Nothing I could have done my box wasn't ready to...
  3. N

    Is this a banana?

    Hahahaha reminds me of :)
  4. N

    The process

    Well I live in Australia so the processes are going to be very different so I'm just looking at a general overview. For this scenario we'll assume the grow is stealth in your home. Lets say the police have just been told by a neighbour. There is no physical evidence the police have besides...
  5. N


    Bahahahaha ! ! ! :P Use matches. I always keep a packet of matches around just for occassions like this. Make sure you let the match burn for a few seconds before toking away. :)
  6. N

    Germing seeds - am I doing it right????????

    QFFT Plants have been on this earth way longer than paper towels :P
  7. N

    Computer Fan converter

    Yup just strip the wires of both (cell phone charger and fan) Black goes to black and red goes to red. (the extra wire on the fan just supplies information to the mobo. So don't worry about it. :) ) Very easy. Just be sure that the cellphone charger doesn't exceed voltage of the fan.
  8. N

    why are hermies bad?

    There isn't anything wrong with hermies. I'm hoping my plant hermies so I don't have to buy seeds. Even though the seeds will most likely be hermie. I do not mind :)
  9. N

    I've been busted

    It amazes me how police can get an arrest warrent with little to no evidence. Somebodies word isn't exactly the gospel truth
  10. N

    Its time in Oz?

    Haha yes. Oz = Australia. Seasons for downunder are reversed or desrever :P Now is around a good time to start. Summer will just make it tooo hot.
  11. N

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Okay in my second week of growing AFs. Easyryders nontheless Quick question though, it appears my plant may be a little stunted due to temps rising just over 110F. Yes yes I know, I had been too busy to install another exhaust but I have done that now. So my question is that AF flower when...
  12. N

    Hey mate, plants look really good. How many days into veg are they?

    Hey mate, plants look really good. How many days into veg are they?
  13. N

    Found.. could be stunted?

    Haha is it just the photo or does that look extremely stretched?
  14. N

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Okay thanks, I never thought of that. Here I am thinking that the bulb is made out of glass so it should be fine. Well I live in a share house. I'm only renting the bedroom and there isn't much room. I do however have a lot of computer gear laying around as I make computers for extra income...
  15. N

    turning night into day?

    I'm interested in this as well. Especially the 8/8.