Recent content by Niellanche

  1. Niellanche

    Do pistols always turn red when ready for harvest?

    I guess not always. Pistols may also have white color. She is looking nice! I would give it a week more. Great harvest!
  2. Niellanche

    Can i start topping?!? If not when? :)

    Hi. I would make topping in a week. Good luck.
  3. Niellanche

    Best things to do while you're high?

    I like to lay on my coach and just relaxing...
  4. Niellanche

    Rate the song above

    9/10 :clap:
  5. Niellanche

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

  6. Niellanche

    Plant Telepathy

    I guess we need to have very strong feeling and nice skill of observation for telepathy.
  7. Niellanche

    Music to medicate to

  8. Niellanche

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    oh my! great recipes! i saved some. thanks. will try it :bigjoint:
  9. Niellanche

    So what kinda bands are we all into?

    like your list. i like it too. i can add maybe a AC/DC, guns'n'roses and the beatles.
  10. Niellanche

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    hello. i'm a new member and a new grower. nice to meet you all. i really enjoy to be here.