Recent content by neroller

  1. N

    Medialess aeroponics - water when dark?

    Is this not the proper forum to ask this question?
  2. N

    Medialess aeroponics - water when dark?

    I can't seem to find the perfect scenario to mirror mine and find an answer. I have some plants in an aeroponic stinkbud like system and am wondering whether to water at "night" or not. I haven't been doing it and haven't seen any wilt right at lights on when the cap art dne is about to kick on...
  3. N

    Anyone Looking to Rent an Apartment?

    Is it only a two story house with nobody else there?
  4. N

    Looking to become a caregiver

    I have the space, funds, equipment, knowledge, connections, etc., but cannot legally do anything until I am assigned to at least one patient as a caregiver. If anyone has an open slot and is looking for someone professional and reliable please contact me. Note: I currently DO NOT have any...