Recent content by Moon Goblin

  1. Moon Goblin

    Equipment to stay away from.

    Roots Organic's compressed coco coir is nowhere near flushed or buffered. Stay-Away!
  2. Moon Goblin

    Curing with the C-Vault? index=1
  3. Moon Goblin

    90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.
  4. Moon Goblin

    90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.
  5. Moon Goblin

    90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.
  6. Moon Goblin

    90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.
  7. Moon Goblin

    90's Tunes Reminisce Thread.
  8. Moon Goblin

    Curing with the C-Vault?

    I believe you want 10-13% moister content. I assume, the 62% humidity pack is to add moisture to already dry cannabis.
  9. Moon Goblin


    yousuck!!! <ahhhhh.... :clap:EDIT:> YOUSUCK!!!
  10. Moon Goblin

    Rootbound already? Plants wilting day after flush?! Week 2 flowering

    1) it all depends, as usual 2)CO2? No. High temps, maybe. 3) No. 4)Hold your damn horses! Your roots need oxygen (H2O2 will kill the benefits of VooDoo juice). My plants defiantly show a lack of vigor when they become root-bound, but I digress to the previous comments.
  11. Moon Goblin


    The Gladesman says, "only sissies get bit by sharks." I was surfing in Costa once, when I noticed everyone get out of the water and crowd around the shore. After I hit a "log" wiht my board in the shore-break, getting out, wondering what all the hub-bub was about, I was graced with a lata of...
  12. Moon Goblin

    They should let Dave chapelle back .

    Yeah, it is. The lady in the front row drawing his attention was also shouting-out random comments to his jokes. She's being belligerent throughout the show, but Dave has enough at 6:40
  13. Moon Goblin


    I like cows.
  14. Moon Goblin

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Ever check-out the ,[this band] shreds , videos?