Recent content by MiSTRFiNGA


    EZ-Clone Style Growth Chambers

    Well, I bought and made my Ez-Clone "clone" today. Cut up my momz, dipped and stuck them in. We will see how they turn out! =)

    EZ-Clone Style Growth Chambers

    Ok, I have spent hours reading tons of threads in here. Information gets all confused and jumbled together and re-read over and over with diffrent opinions. My question is this: If I First: Build an EZ-cloner style box enclosure with misters inside with bubbler, pump, and aquarium heater.Use...

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    I hope u get it right!!! Goodluck!!!

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    DONT BOIL!!!!!!!!! rise heat till you see steam comming up when you stir, then lower to simmer!!!! if you boiul water, throw seeds away. You killed the nutrional value of the seeds. one more time: -pour seeds into pot. -fill with water -massage and toss seeds -tilt pot or use fish net to remove...

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    I use hawkseye.c0m and as far as seeing spores, it wont be "cloudy" but you will see stuff floating around. Be sure your at room temp and shake up the syringe b4 inoc. I use to grow teachers all the time along with B+, PF classics and Z-Strain. Now I use straight Z due to their fast colonization...

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    hmmm. Go buy a humidity/temp gauge. they ar like under $10 at walmart. Both in one unit. and it has a little wire you can "fish" into your box to make sure it is warm enough. this is a good tool too because you need to keep your humidity at 95% through the pinning stages of your caps. Make sure...

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    Dont pull out the cotton! That blocks contams! you loosen the rim a quarter screw or so. Thats plenty! Where did you gets your spores from? how are you keeping your jars? They need to be kept in a warm dark place. 78-82F warmth else SLOW growth. Did you shake up your spore syringe if thats what...

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    Never with a jar not starting. I have had them stunt, and I have had contamination problems also. So there is NOTHING at all in the jars growing? Did you loosen the lids any? after inoculation you must unscrew the lids a little bit to allow air exchange. ALSO just thought iof this, did you put...

    Shroom Pizza Anyone?

    For an incubator I use a fish aquarium heater. I bought 2 plastic storage tubs the same size. I filled one up 20% with water and attached the heater to the bottom with the included sucktion cups. The automatic heaters keep the water at 78f. I place the dry empty tub in the water filled...