Recent content by minad

  1. minad

    NEED HELP: plants drinking too much water.

    I second this course of action.
  2. minad

    Dishonesty in Business

    It's called profit, and I'd venture that quite a bit has already been made off you.
  3. minad

    Ron Paul Money Bomb

    Is half a million enough? Happy Constitution Day.
  4. minad

    What’s the benefit of studying underground economies?

    What’s the benefit of studying underground economies?
  5. minad

    Transplanting Mom outdoors

    Change your trimming/cloning methods so your Momma stays a certain height. But yeah, plug her into the soil as far as you can, it's great for stability and may help out in protection from hungry hippos.
  6. minad

    Timing issue

    Freezer is harsh, do no place any buds in such a cold climate ever. If you do seal them up though, and they are still very moist, you could have come mold issues when you get back. I'd say leave them hanging, it won't hurt the trichs like a freeze would, and hopefully no mold will form. When...
  7. minad

    Wilma Last Drink before Harvest

    Water them for the entire two days(better yet, add 5 more days of darkness/flooding), drown the roots for as long as you can. Use some science, kick-start fermentation(drying).
  8. minad

    Colorado Senate gets to pot bill after fed warning

    We should be warning the Feds. :)
  9. minad

    Had Nice Visit from Police Yesterday

    Perhaps you're here to jerk yourself off, I'm trying to figure out the OPs situation. Go fuck yourself, or try and settle 'Where in the World is the OP?' question without picking an internet fight.
  10. minad

    Water Curing...Sounds Like My Thing Tell Me If I'm Wrong, But I Think I Wanna Try

    Flood your plants before harvest, kick-start fermentation(the drying process). Cuts post-chop dry time to around 4 days. There's a good 'Truth about Flushing' thread on these forums with tons of helpful links for the whole harvesting/drying and curing process. Could you build a chimney? Fill it...
  11. minad

    Had Nice Visit from Police Yesterday

    OP is in Europe than? As opposed to writing: س س س س س س س س س , and facing a death sentence for trafficking. Anyways, if we are talking Euro laws than my previous advice is not all that accurate. Reguardless, OP is all screwed up, so...
  12. minad

    Water Curing...Sounds Like My Thing Tell Me If I'm Wrong, But I Think I Wanna Try

    Thanks for taking my flaming so well. Nothing is absolute, and I'm such a loser I think everyone should talk and act with that in mind. Perhaps you could dry off-site, the curing process should be handled in mason jars, or Tupperware, or anything that you can seal up, meaning the smell is...
  13. minad

    Had Nice Visit from Police Yesterday

    Lol, OP Fool is not from SA, death would be what he'd be worried about if so. With that said, where are you located? Seems like in the states. And if so, they absolutely could not search your home without YOU letting them in. You really should have a much better understanding of your...
  14. minad

    Water Curing...Sounds Like My Thing Tell Me If I'm Wrong, But I Think I Wanna Try

    You, like everyone else on this planet, make a lot of assumptions. Things you 'know' and 'understand'. Main point is: You do not lose any THC weight when water curing. You do lose 20-25% of weight from the bud, but none of this is cannabinoids(since they are not water soluble.). I...
  15. minad

    Winning!!! What's your favorite Sheenism?

    Fuck Charlie. Guy needs an extra couple holes in his head.