Recent content by megaflcl

  1. M

    cardboard grow box

    iv read the dull side doesnt create hot spots only the reflective side does... also theres a ...small pc fan on the side
  2. M

    cardboard grow box

    i built this last weekend from stuff laying around the house (so it was free) its lined with aluminum foil dull side up and the 2 pots are 2 liter bottles cut in half and covered in foil to prevent algae growth the diameters are 17.5in high 12in wide 9.5in deep (not including reflector) any...
  3. M

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    me and my gf had gotten the munchies and decided to drive over to popeyes while driving down a highways frequented by panhandler i noticed the most funny thing iv ever seen i guy with a cardboard sign that said "family abducted by aliens, need ransom" we were laughing for the entire remainder of...
  4. M

    Comedy that makes u lol the most when stoned? (movie or t.v)

    i now pronounce you chuck and larry smiley face bad boy bubby (if your as screwed up as me youl laugh your ass off) grandmas boy thats all i remember off the top of my head...horrible memory