Recent content by mcclurecrazydog

  1. M

    west tenn anyone?

    :sad:not sure what the strain is since its bagweed seed. i wanted to learn to produce decent bud before i invested in seed. i will be attempting that this winter once i finish my new grow room. as for growing , first things first, either your wife is on board or you find an alternative grow...
  2. M

    First Outdoor Grow

    thanks, i should be able to post some pics within a week, can't even start working on until thursday. too many things pulling at my time:weed:
  3. M

    west tenn anyone?

    cons: making mistakes and having to start over pros: learned valuable lesson and never made again more pros : I'm not paying for someone elses crapweed, and because of my occuupation i had to be extra extra extra careful to avoid the gossip, so i only got the shit one more pro: it costs...
  4. M

    First Outdoor Grow

    it looks like th elower branches are going to be ready sooner than the higher branches, is that accurate?
  5. M

    First Outdoor Grow

    I have been successful with my 3rd indoor harvest, Now i am anticipating my first outdoor harvest and im unsure of what to be watching for. I have 4 beaties outside, 2 are indica mix and 2 are sativa mix, all are from unkown origins. i am working on pictures and should have the problem...
  6. M

    west tenn anyone?

    Im actually working on that. Just purchase the camera today. I start vactation next thursday and i'm working extra to get ready and should have learned how to use the thing by then and then i just have to figure out how to get it on the computer and on riu. i'm great with plants, but when it...
  7. M

    Calling All Ganja Genius's

    organic if possible, otherwise it probably doesnt make a difference. good luck:weed:
  8. M

    Want to use mylar

    thank you. sounds like the most sensible thing to do.:weed:
  9. M

    Want to use mylar

    very cool idea, and itll help for winter
  10. M

    Want to use mylar

  11. M

    Want to use mylar

    :clap::clap::clap: :weed::weed::weed:sounds perfect
  12. M

    Calling All Ganja Genius's

    as for the size pot, i would get a pot that stands at least3-4 inches taller than the one she is in now. then let her soil dry. fill new pot 1/4 way with new soil. since you have so many nutes in their, just use plain potting mix. anyway, hollow out the center of the soil in the new pot...
  13. M

    Calling All Ganja Genius's

    mollassess is like a syrup. usually sorghum mollassess. its sold in the grocery store by the pancake or maple syrup. i've also learned that dark brown sugar will work also.:weed:
  14. M

    Calling All Ganja Genius's

    you need to give her support, i use thin dowel rods and loosly attach a zip tie to help guide it. you can get them in the hardware section at walmart in bags of 50 or so, also available in craft department but cost more. i am trying to grow with the least amount of chemicals, just a little...
  15. M

    Want to use mylar

    what is panda film, i've never heard of it, will have to do some more research. i want to get the best value for my $$$$