Recent content by MaryJanie420

  1. MaryJanie420

    What to do on a rainy Monday night....

    ....when the second batch is done curing. I bore the shit outta you guys lol..nothing better to do on a rainy monday night. For someone who just planted for shits and giggles, trying this batch will be interesting. So to celebrate this occasion I brought these to the party.. (p) Alittle...
  2. MaryJanie420

    Was Darwin Wrong?

    ...and thats just sad for humanity!
  3. MaryJanie420

    Was Darwin Wrong?

    ....and thats the problem, we all think like that, our so called evolving minds. We can change the way we think for the betterment of humanity if we wanted too but money and power is more important and that is why we will never see the stars!!!
  4. MaryJanie420

    Was Darwin Wrong?

    I agree with becoming one with the universe;....etc etc, but is it happening? Todays world is not a nice place. You say our minds are evolving, that is true (just look at the last 300 years) but the world has become nasty, its in a bit of a crisis. Each country has something to offer to the...
  5. MaryJanie420

    Stoner 101

    Woohoo!!! UPS came today, got to play with my new toy...this is me took me 2 hours...most amusing!:blsmoke: ...."Sensors picked up an anomaly Captain". ""What is it Spock!", could it be a new plant?". "Insufficient information Captain". these are the first pics I took with the...
  6. MaryJanie420

    Chop or not to chop ...that is the quetion

    ....sounds good bud....:weed:
  7. MaryJanie420

    Are these the man balls?

  8. MaryJanie420

    New to growing No Questions

    .....I've read alot stuff on this site so far, theres good and bad points, as is in all info..... I just took the points I needed (and what I had on hand at the house) to create my setup, then went on the project journey... so to speak.. (sorry for the spellin not my strong suit)...and if you...
  9. MaryJanie420

    lower leaves starting to yellow after 12/12

    ...thanks for clarifing this point to others....
  10. MaryJanie420

    Chop or not to chop ...that is the quetion sorry but this one just made me
  11. MaryJanie420

    grow bud upside down

    ...fdd, you just make my laugh..
  12. MaryJanie420

    New to growing No Questions

    ...oh my goodness its been like almost a month since my last post...had to go help my mother for 3 weeks and been lazy for the rest of the time....well heres the progress of the plant...the babies didnt do to good, husband killed three of them with kindness...bugger.
  13. MaryJanie420

    THE pot game

  14. MaryJanie420

    What is the thing you hate most that you can't always avoid?

    I hate it when people run red lights..scares the crap outta me
  15. MaryJanie420

    What is the thing you hate most that you can't always avoid?

    lol...been there done that