Recent content by kushy123

  1. kushy123

    1st Timer -- Male+Female Flowering Stage: Questions

    that sucks man should of got rid of that male. no i dont think u can smoke any of it but u might be able to make some hash from the leaves
  2. kushy123

    2nd Grow AG Deluxe - Shake and Bake Baby!

    how much did you yield
  3. kushy123

    Lowlife Auto AK47 X Blueberry AG grow

    I dunno man i have the same thing on mine. still have it 5 weeks into flower mode
  4. kushy123

    1st Grow Ever!!! 150w HPS White Widow(aerogarden)/Mazar-I-Sharrif/Bagseed

    ya u can flower now or you can let it get bigger for more yield. good stuff looks nice would like to see how much u yield keep us posted
  5. kushy123

    First Grow Journal. 400w

    your plants are looking great. Its going to be some DANK cant wait to see how much u yield. my plant is 4 weeks and a half but still dont look as dank
  6. kushy123

    Is it possible

    ya i think so why not lol just let it get a little big and put the spunge in the dirt or w/e ur growing in
  7. kushy123

    First Timer Need Help Or Advice

    Thanks u guys are all to kind. I still think the buds should be a little bigger for 3 weeks ? thanks sic means allot i learned allot from your post. will post more pic as plants gets bigger. going to cut back on nute to see if that makes a difference.:bigjoint:
  8. kushy123

    First Timer Need Help Or Advice

    some more pics from when i started to now any advice would be great comments would be nice
  9. kushy123

    First Timer Need Help Or Advice

    This is my first time growing. i bought the aero 200 and stared from seeds (Black Kush) that was like 3 months ago. fast forward im almost 3 weeks into flowering. and leaves look like nute burn or not enough some advice would be nice ill post pics of problem and plant progress. I have bin on...