Recent content by Kronnisseur

  1. Kronnisseur

    Weak stems/branches

    I normally water every 3 days just until I see run off which is usually about 1 gal and they are in 5gal pots. Although I just had a bad storm last night that pretty much destroyed both plants
  2. Kronnisseur

    Weak stems/branches

    Hey all, I have 2 plants about 3 weeks into flower and both were showing nitrogen toxicity, 1 worse than the other. I flushed both and the one that wasnt as bad has rebounded fine but the other still has some bad clawing and now the plant wont even stay up straight, keep falling down under it's...
  3. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    I have noticed my soil drying out fast recently, could this also be caused by too much air flow?
  4. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    Ok so lots of different opinions. But the yellowing has continued to work its way up the plant, i have been watering every 2-3 days but havent since noticing the yellowing. I took 2 of the 23w cfls out as soon as the first guy mentioned it and have not watered for 3 days now and the yellowing is...
  5. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    Thanks! My biobizz should have arrived by the time i get home tonight should i should be able to save her. I appreciate everyones help on this thread, wasnt entirely sure of giving my seedling nutes but now know she needs it. Ill start with half strength like steadyeddie suggested
  6. Kronnisseur

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    Is the distilled water reason the bottom leaves are going yellow? Someone told me also that 4 23w cfls might be too much for a 2 week old seedling is this true?
  7. Kronnisseur

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    Well seems like my problem is N deficiency, im going to re pot her in some fresh soil so she gets some fresh N if atleast a bit. Thanks for the help guys !
  8. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    I have used distilled water from the beginning and only have 4 23w cfls so heat isnt an issue i only have 1 plant so plenty of light for a 2 week old seedling but this has gotten worse since it started 3 days ago. 1 pic i took just now the other was only this morning
  9. Kronnisseur

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    Seriously? The leaves that have gone yellow, is it too late for them or will they recover?
  10. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    I have only been giving it water no nutes yet what so ever, water every 2 days and those 2 leaves have gotten worse since i posted this morning and watered right after posting. Soil npk is 0.2 - 0.08 - 0.08 so extremly light mix. Could this be nitrogen deficiency?
  11. Kronnisseur

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    What would you suggest using in place of distilled? My baby is dying pretty fast and killing my first seedling wasnt exactly my plan !
  12. Kronnisseur

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    Ive heard coffee grounds can be used for to add nitrogen would this help keep her going until i can feed her?
  13. Kronnisseur

    Seedling lower leaves yellowing

    I ordered biobizz but wont be here til friday is she going to last 2 days ? Is there anything i can do to keep her alive until then?
  14. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    No soil, right now shes in promix seed starting soil. I live in canada and unfrotunetly therefore dont have many options for soil. Promix was all i could get other than miracle grow
  15. Kronnisseur

    Help !

    My seedling has yellow leaves and shes only 2 weeks old not sure what i should do! I posted in plant problems but no reply yet. Yellowing is only on bottom 2 leaves( not the sprout leaves) which leads me to believe its a nitrogen deficiency since i havent started nutes. I dont want to start if...