Recent content by kilostowers

  1. K

    my first grow , its not great

    Not bad but I would definitely get fans on your stuff and open up the vents to allow air flow looks like yours are all closed Ventilation is very important and big fan nature is not 2 miles per hour winds
  2. K

    Reducing LED's power to 50%, but lowering them 50% closer to plants

    First of all turning down lights turns down lumens as well your turning your 600 whatts into 300
  3. K

    Yellowing tips & edges

    Cal mag is easy to use and it gives great directions on the bottle But less is always more If it is from a cal deficit it will show you in one day Buy the grow Bible it will go through every problem every solution water light dirt bugs cures every thing u could ever need to know
  4. K

    First Grow

    No electronic device in tent at any time all power plugs should always be out of tent