Recent content by Kidbruv

  1. Kidbruv

    Manicure after cure?

    Same situation here sorta. My neighbour and two friends grew same clones as me and though it's too early to tell what they'll be like in the end, they are all a bit different. Goes to show how many variables we are trying to reign in throughout this process. I erred on leaving more sugar leaves...
  2. Kidbruv

    Ready yet? Or already overdue?

    It's hard to tell from the pics as to exactly where you are, but id say you are definitely within the window. I'd say if your weather is going to be at all cool and wet coming up that you should pull them to be safe. From what I can see they look pretty mature.
  3. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Pretty colours^ :) I think my plant is in the window to harvest but prob on the immature side for most members around here. I think yours is a bit ahead of mine Dream2003. I've decided after checking weather to chop her on Thursday. We have two days of warm and sunny coming up and then it...
  4. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Yeah agreed. Funny how it's easier to be patient with pictures of other people's bud than it is for your own. I'm going to play it by the weather and keep it in dehumidified garage at night and during rain. I'm extra cautious after 2 spots of bud rot but so far my precautions seem to be...
  5. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Those are ridiculously fat and pretty. Edited to bold that statement because it needed it :hump:
  6. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Looking great. Wow. Some really nice buds on this page. You hosers really know how to grow, eh? GroErr - Makes me feel good to see your plants. They look very similar to mine and I'm guessing maybe half a week ahead? Confirms my upcoming planned Wed-Thurs harvest. From today:
  7. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    Update on my girl of unknown strain... So I think I'm getting close to the big snip. This girl's been a tough one. Shes been through some bud rot and nutrient deficiencies, leafhopper, and a bit of PM. She is looking worse for wear, all her branches leaning over to one side seemingly desperate...
  8. Kidbruv

    Canada Ontario growers. FROST TONIGHT

    Same here. She goes to bed in the garage every night now. Have two fans going and have all green lighting so I can still do stuff in there without affecting the plants. Portable is the way to grow
  9. Kidbruv

    Advice for upcoming deluge of rain...

    So good news. Looks like it was contained to just that bud (from all appearances after a thorough examination). I'll be checking it constantly though and will be keeping it out of the dew in the garage every night. Here's a pic of the infected bud...
  10. Kidbruv

    Canada grow log 2016

    I found bud rot today too - just as my ride showed up to pick me up for work. I cut off the affected branch and pulled out the rotted area and quickly hung the branch. Was worried all day that the whole plant is going to be affected but when I inspected it to night I could find no further sign...
  11. Kidbruv

    Advice for upcoming deluge of rain...

    Mold I believe. I had done exactly as you suggested and removed that cola, pulled out the rotted portion plus surrounding bud and then hung it up with good airflow.
  12. Kidbruv

    Advice for upcoming deluge of rain...

    Well shit... After all that, I found bud rot this morning. I cut off the infected bud but I'm afraid that when I get home tonight and have more time to inspect it, that I'll probably find more. Not sure what I should do here. Plant is probably 2 weeks + from ideal harvest window but wondering...
  13. Kidbruv

    Advice for upcoming deluge of rain...

    I wish I knew the actual volume of the container. I'm guessing that it's somewhere between 10 and 15 gallons, so its not a tiny pot, but also not large by any means. I've found that nutrient deficiencies show up quite quickly in a pot this size, but are also corrected quite quickly if you stay...
  14. Kidbruv

    Pictures and questions, outdoor grow

    You know the old overused, not-funny-anymore "about a pound" joke that you see on every other thread here? Umm yeah... yours could easily be "more than a pound" if you let that girl grow to her potential. As for seeds, I grew mine from a clone that I got through a friend. I only planned on...
  15. Kidbruv

    Will flowering take longer if the plant doesn't get 12 hours

    Maybe I'm wrong here, but flowering time shouldn't be affected by planting time. It'll flower when the plant gets enough dark hours. Dependant on latitude