Recent content by kawehio

  1. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    Updates! Well Its been a while since we've updated I know but here we go. The girls are on day 9 of flowering. I haven't taken pictures of them today but I won't see them tonight unfortunately but I do have shots of them on day 7 of flowering. We we're having some problems with heating when the...
  2. kawehio

    First time drip-system grower. Help much appreciated!

    How did your harvest go???
  3. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    Thanks Jonny...been a while since i seen you! Your BW are looking beautiful!
  4. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    We have alot of space up there and it actually ventaliates pretty good. We have two windows on both ends of the room that vent it and also a hole punched into the chimney to also help vent. We keep both ends at different tempuatures also. The veg is usually between 51-61 degrees and the...
  5. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    We finally sanitized the flowering area and moved 8 clones out of veg and into flowering. They were at day 30. We now have 7 Blueberry Clones and one white widow under our 1000w at 12/12. We're flushing them till the ppms drops and then we'll then start adding the nutrients. Heres the only...
  6. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    One of the mother clones has taken a turn for the worse. We went up and found she wasn't getting any water ultimately she isn't looking to good right now! We're still holding on to hope though, she could make a turn around. Anyone know of anything that might help her? Heres a couple shots...
  7. kawehio

    How should i dry my weed?

    We just chopped our plants yesterday and posted pics. We hang ours upside down in a T.v box right next to the heater. It gives off a warm dry air and drys the bud perfectly it seems. We cure ours for at least a week after the bud completely dries. We leave the jars sealed all day then open them...
  8. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

  9. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    Well we moved out the 2 BB mothers and 2 clones and are going to start to sanitize the Flowering area. The clones in veg are now on day 27. It'll be a couple days till we can move the 8 new clones out of veg and into flowering. The other 6 are moving to a different location. Its was a sad...
  10. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    Thanks Jonny! Thanks again for all your help! We didn't tie her cause shes getting a little more light then she did before. I'm sure she'll be fine till tomorrow when they all get cut!! You put the fear of having a male up there so I still check them everyday after work to see if one will...
  11. kawehio

    G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope

    Background worthy haha!
  12. kawehio

    Attack of the Clones, first journal!

    The girls are at day 24 now of vegging. Most of all the deficiencies have healed and are looking good! They're still on 18/6 until the girls in flowering are done flushing and the area sanitized in a couple days. I can't wait! I made a sad discovery upon visiting the girls yesterday morning...
  13. kawehio

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    *tear* haha beautiful man!
  14. kawehio

    my clones tips turning ellow pale

    do you check you ppm or your ph? You don't use any nutes? It can be a whole lot of things but i would guess maybe your ph is either too high or low and your plants might not be taking nutes cause of it.
  15. kawehio

    Help, moving to attic...need opinions/ideas for setup!!!

    Hey check out my Journal! We build our set-up in the attic and mostly used the shit we had laying around the house! We have our flowering and veg up there!